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Piermaria Zannier

Reviews of cameras, lenses, tripods, heads and other accessories written by Piermaria Zannier

Microsoft Translator  The following opinions have been automatically translated with Microsoft Translator.

zeiss_planar135_f2cyZeiss Planar 135mm f/2 (C/Y)

Pros: His Excellency zeiss

Cons: The manual focus is not a defect, it is one of its features, with which you have to deal

Opinion: a single goal, the color rendering leaves me flabbergasted every time. lightroom with most of the time there is no 'need to fix almost anything in the colors, saturation, etc. it is difficult to "tame" as far as the focus, we are all spoiled by amazing autofocus, here you enter another world. and obviously more open the aperture and the more difficult, but also rewarding. the ntidezza is at extreme levels, I tried to crop photos that reported people away, and you could read the detail of the faces. therefore, the only real drawback is the difficulty of manual focus, which requires extreme precision, and obviously slows down. But more and more often I go out only with this obtv, and leave home stuff not just, as the Canon 70-200 II 2.8, rather than the 24-70 2.8 canon, etc., And the outputs of the city (Milan) and in campaign, both photo I love to do, in places where music is played. It is another world, which we are not abituati, but after a while 'you use it, do not leave more.

sent on December 02, 2015

zeiss_135_f2Zeiss ZE/ZF.2 Apo Sonnar T* 135mm f/2

Pros: The lens absolute

Cons: difficult to "tame"

Opinion: May 2015: a dream come true. I state that I bought eight days ago in Garlasco, 900 photo studio, the master of few words, but in concrete and useful advise. It paid 1,800 euro, which was the best price and do some shopping on the internet. I used then only initially. I do not think are enough adjectives to describe this lens. Sure, it difficle to use, because, with f2, with the manual focus we want nothing to go wrong. Then when you acquire photos with Lightroom, you realize that the colors, contrasts, tones, are in practice already perfect. And 'SIMPLY FANTASTIC.

sent on May 30, 2015

zeiss_35Zeiss ZE/ZF.2 Distagon T* 35mm f/1.4

Pros: one piece

Cons: If you try it, do not let the most

Opinion: I agree with all other comments, particularly the total potting. It 'a jewel that I had dreamed about for 40 years, since the Contax 139, for which I had obtv yashica. But then I could not afford one Zeiss. At the dawn of the 60 years, I got there. It 's just fantastic. I used it in different situations, mainly landscapes, but also in travel situations. It must become proficient in the focus (I wear glasses, and this obviously more complicated). But then as' incredible satisfaction. In particular, the color rendering is not comparable to any other obtv. The comments described by the other photographer friends are all true. Especially I share fanaticism and exaltation of a single lens, the true passion for photography. The shooting studio, composition, search lights, everything is photography, where the much praised (and too used) post-production finally becomes just an accessory.

sent on May 24, 2015

canon_100is_macrolCanon EF 100mm f/2.8 L Macro IS USM

Pros: sharpness, detail, color

Cons: nobody

Opinion: and 'a wonderful goal, I used both the 7D is with the 5D II. And - of course - for the macro, it is surprising for the portrait. Setting it to f2.8 you have to be very careful eye to focus, because the depth of field is very small and it's easy to make mistakes. It is not a heresy even use it with manual focus. I read that others report a fault that there is "a lot of plastic." It 's true, but this goes in favor of a lighter, that using it for macro freehand, never hurts. I have other objectives NOT plastic, but are called ZEISS. In this case the plastic allows you to purchase some very interesting, to a value / ultra-favorable price lenses. Be highly recommended! Rnaggiorno the opinion: the EOS 5D Mark III is giving me enormous satisfaction in rendering the colori.rn

sent on February 07, 2015

nikon_coolpix_p7100Nikon Coolpix P7100

Pros: First of all it has a great goal. Colors faithful and accurate. Obviously you need to set the exposure correctly. The ability to set everything manually was the main reason for purchase. Battery more than enough. Weight and small footprint.

Cons: In some situations of full enlightenment, I missed the opportunity you teach a paraluce.rnOvviamente a certain slowness, but this is related to the habit with an SLR as the 7D.rnPer get used to use, I read and reread the instruction manual , which I find not so simple.

Opinion: As an alternative to SLR (canon eos 7d + 5dmark II) and all Ambaradan of goals, I purchased two years ago this small, and I am fully satisfied. I use it in all situations where the backpack is heavy, hard, or giving too much attention (in the cities, crowded places, etc..). So, first thing the weight content and handling. The lens is remarkable. Accustomed to the SLR, I find it very interesting to use in manual mode. I tried to even nightclubs. A freehand grain you can already see a lot at 800 ISO, I tried placing it in a stable way, and it was fantastic. I do not recommend to exceed 400iso.

sent on November 24, 2013


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