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The Zeiss Planar 135mm f/2 (C/Y) is a tele lens for FF and APS-C, manufactured from 1975 to 1992 (discontinued). The focus is done by Manual Focus, it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is €;
3 users have given it an average vote of 10.0 out of 10.
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The following opinions have been automatically translated with Google Translate.
Opinion:Really surprising lens, despite the "age", sharpness still at the highest levels, diaphragm holds up against the Apo Sonnar, yields instead to the maximum aperture (we would miss) where, however, it maintains a discreet detail and a very pleasant blur for progression and chromatic "restitution", highly recommended for portraiture, subjects in ambient light or outdoors with low lighting level. As I had already verified on film, even on digital prevails on the Sonnar 135 (although MM) at 2.8 in an evident way, but also at infinity at the central diaphragms, technical data also declared by the parent company and confirmed by MTF tests; Also better for a wider tonal range. This is probably why it maintains a high price on the second-hand market in addition to being relatively rare; Surely both things can be explained by the large difference in price compared to the 2.8 (over three times in the periods in which they were in production) difficult to justify by a single diaphragm of difference and quite exclusive features certainly not appreciable by everyone. The thing was different for the 100 mm and even more for the 85 where the Planar had 2 apertures of advantage and cost less than double. I conclude by saying that in addition to the considerable difference in price on the second-hand market compared to the Sonnar (which remains a Mr. objective) also has appreciably higher weight and size in addition to the inconvenience of the unincorporated hood, and therefore, to prefer it, you have to try it and ... falling in love with it
Cons:The manual focus is not a defect, it is one of its features, with which you have to deal
Opinion:a single goal, the color rendering leaves me flabbergasted every time. lightroom with most of the time there is no 'need to fix almost anything in the colors, saturation, etc. it is difficult to "tame" as far as the focus, we are all spoiled by amazing autofocus, here you enter another world. and obviously more open the aperture and the more difficult, but also rewarding. the ntidezza is at extreme levels, I tried to crop photos that reported people away, and you could read the detail of the faces. therefore, the only real drawback is the difficulty of manual focus, which requires extreme precision, and obviously slows down. But more and more often I go out only with this obtv, and leave home stuff not just, as the Canon 70-200 II 2.8, rather than the 24-70 2.8 canon, etc., And the outputs of the city (Milan) and in campaign, both photo I love to do, in places where music is played. It is another world, which we are not abituati, but after a while 'you use it, do not leave more.
Opinion:It was designed in the first half of the 70 to be inserted into the Rolleiflex SL system, groped to improve their business results. With that attack it remained at the prototype stage, with a few built. Was quickly re-inserted in the Contax system, which flanked the Sonnar 2.8 / 135, however, offered a much higher price than that required for the little brother. At the beginning of the 80s the production was suspended, to be temporarily resumed in 1992, when this goal was proposed in a limited edition 60th Anniversary. The prices were still very high. If you search for the Zeiss that gives something in terms of performance to ta barattandole with colors rich in nuances and contours dreamy (without excess) this could be the right objective, provided you use it at full aperture. In contrast to the strict Planar 2/100, 2/135 with this simpler optical design (one less element, no floating, wide open is less descriptive, but in return gives softcromievery special. 100 describes the 135 tells. Obviously the performance is still respectable, but for example to any joint opening proves less resolving the Sonnar 2,8 / 135 (which is a blade). For F2 is a faint remnant of AC easily eliminated in Post Production. Prone to flare, it requires attention. The building is exemplary. To keep up the perceived quality is top notch.
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