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| sent on August 18, 2023 (16:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A very tasty composition, already very beautiful in itself; moment, quality and colors of the Martin are then a fairy tale. Una composizione gustosissima, già gran bella di per sé; momento, qualità e colori del Martin sono poi un favola. |
| sent on August 18, 2023 (17:44) | This comment has been translated
Applauses!! |
| sent on August 18, 2023 (18:11) | This comment has been translated
Applauses |
| sent on August 18, 2023 (18:13) | This comment has been translated
Beautiful, congratulations! |
| sent on August 18, 2023 (19:52) | This comment has been translated
Beautiful! |
| sent on August 18, 2023 (20:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Fantastic Manrico, congratulations. ;-) Fantastica Manrico, complimenti. |
| sent on August 18, 2023 (20:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Embhè, he is perfectly frozen, the arrival roost is a spectacle and even the background is very pleasant! Congratulations Manrico, shot from the textbook! Hello ;-) Embhè, lui è perfettamente congelato, il posatoio di arrivo è uno spettacolo e pure lo sfondo è gradevolissimo! Complimenti Manrico, scatto da manuale! Ciao |
| sent on August 18, 2023 (20:47) | This comment has been translated
Great shot! |
| sent on August 18, 2023 (22:19) | This comment has been translated
Spectacular! |
| sent on August 19, 2023 (7:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really a great moment caught with beautiful and delicate colors, all well managed compliments ;-) Davvero un gran bel momento colto con belle e delicate cromie, tutto ben gestito complimenti |
| sent on August 19, 2023 (10:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Magnificent recovery! magnifica ripresa! |
| sent on August 19, 2023 (10:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Well done, great timing Congratulations Giorgio Ben fatta, ottimo tempismo Complimenti Giorgio |
| sent on August 19, 2023 (12:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Nice catch. Hello Corrado Bella cattura. Ciao Corrado |
| sent on August 19, 2023 (16:31) | This comment has been translated
Nice shot! |
| sent on November 05, 2023 (12:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The perch is beautiful, the Martino is beautiful, the shot is splendid; Great! Greetings alberto Bello il posatoio, bellissimo il Martino, splendido lo scatto; bravissimo! Saluti alberto |

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