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  4. » AR3007 Comparisons

AR3007 Comparisons...


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AR3007 Comparisons sent on May 12, 2022 (16:05) by Serafix. 5 comments, 362 views. [retina]

ciao a tutti, se può interessare, volevo postare queste riprese fatte stamani. ho ripreso AR3007 che sta transitando sul sole in questi giorni, utilizzando tutti i filtri colorati visuali che avevo a disposizione. ne ho uniti qualcuno in sandwich per vedere il risultato e ne ho fatta anche una con l'IR Pass come riferimento. dal raffronto fra tutte quante ho notato che due, a mio avviso, evidenziano meglio certi dettagli rispetto all'IR Pass. non vi dico qual'è stata la mia impressione per non influenzarvi, ma se voleste darmi un vs. parere sarei contento. mi auguro che la compressione di questo marcissimo jpg non penalizzi troppo la valutazione. i dati di ripresa sono: C8 + tubi prolunga + ASI385mc (monocromatico) allineamento e somma in Autostakkert! le immagini sono il frutto di uno stack da 500 frame/cad. non ci sono elaborazioni (non ho neanche tolto i fastidiosi grani di polvere). ho ripreso dalle prealpi venete con un seeing discreto, a tratti buono.

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sent on May 18, 2022 (16:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Serafino, thanks for this interesting test.
I tried to carefully compare the result of the various filters. It seems to me that in addition to the one with IR pass filter, the two with similar details and perhaps as you say a hair better, are the orange filter and the violet + red sandwich. But they seem to me minimal differences and I wonder if any temporary variations of the seeing can never have played a role ... Can you tell us your impression? ;-)
By the way, it happens that just that same day I managed after more than a month of forced rest to pull out the H-alpha telescope! So if you want I could send you my fans and you could try to make a comparison of that same region active in white light (photosphere) and H-alpha (chromosphere)... it would be interesting what do you say? 8-)
Hello, Daniele

sent on May 19, 2022 (13:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

sent on May 21, 2022 (15:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Serafino,
in fact I had focused on looking at the effect on the radial structures in the penumbra areas of the spots. But in fact on the granulation even the filter you indicated has given excellent results!
Last Thursday I also caught the sun, the mega structure of spots was really impressive! I looked at the sun even with eclipse goggles and the mega spot was clearly visible even to the naked eye!
I still have to process the photos on Thursday, but at this point we have two days for which to compare between white light and alpha h!
From Monday I send you by email my fans! (Not the individual frames that would be too much data but the result of the stacks!)
Hello and have a good weekend!

sent on May 22, 2022 (14:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

certainly, thanks :-)
can't wait to make comparisons 8-) ;-)

sent on May 22, 2022 (15:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

in the meantime I link you a video related to my acquisition in white light made yesterday morning.
I just knew what object it is, but I would like to go to the bottom of the mystery ;)

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