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  4. » M 42 The Orion Cloud 20 years later

M 42 The Orion Cloud 20 years later...


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M 42 The Orion Cloud 20 years later sent on October 13, 2020 (17:55) by Fabioviti. 4 comments, 1008 views. [retina]

, 30 sec f/5.6, ISO 1600, tripod.

La spada di Orione, uno dei soggetti più "facili" affascinanti del cielo autunnale e invernale fotografata di nuovo 20 anni dopo con nuovo setup leggero. Astroinseguitore Star Adventurer e Pentacon 300 f4 attentamente bilanciati. Somma di 16 scatti da 30 secondi ciascuno con sensibilità crescenti da 400 a 1600 ISO aperture variabili tra f4 e f8. Lo scatto è più una valutazione d'impiego dell'astroinseguitore (consigliato solo fino a 300mm di focale equivalente, quindi 200mm su APSc) che, se ben bilanciato, sembra sopporti anche lunghezze focali maggiori in astrofotografia. Scatti singoli di prova anche per il vecchio 300 f4 Pentacon che, essendo acromatico e non apocromatico, mostra i suoi limiti in questo campo d'impiego mostrando aloni stellari di una certa importanza. In questo ambito sembra avere una resa piuttosto neutra nei colori, per niente alterati in termini di temperatura e viraggi ma solo un pò esaltati. Tuttavia gli astri di colore azzurro sembrano prendere una spinta maggiore rispetto alle stelle di tonalità calde.

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sent on October 13, 2020 (21:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

you have the sky bottom a little dark
I think that with stretching you can do a little more
The chase is good
Continue so ;-)

sent on October 14, 2020 (12:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you Stefano.... I'm new to digital astro imaging techniques, I'm looking for criticism and advice.
WWWWWWWWWW) do you mean "stretching"?
For processing I'm using Sequator and Photoshop but if you know something better or more complete I accept advice with open arms, as long as it's free or not crazy.
I also run the Flat and Bias files, which I have not yet found a way to perform correctly and maybe a few more dark frames, as well as an apochromatic... :-D

sent on October 14, 2020 (18:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I use Pixinsight but it's not cheap
Free you can try DSS that with reflexes has always worked well
For the stretch, the data of a raw file is linear, the dynamics should be compressed to display well on screen or print both the light and very bright parts.
After adding together various images you can use a mathematical function that does this
The typical are DDP, ArcSinH, logarithmic scale, and log (square root)
Oly you don't have to do it "by hand", astronomical software does it for you (even DSS does it)

sent on October 15, 2020 (0:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I thank you infinitely for the advice and time you have given me. I'll try to improve processing in the meantime with your advice.

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