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| sent on July 12, 2019 (23:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A colorful panorama. Beautiful colors and toning. Congratulations Claudio. A greeting Franco ;-) Un panorama variopinto. Bellissimi i colori e viraggio. Complimenti Claudio. Un saluto Franco |
| sent on July 12, 2019 (23:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
be this is nature chapeau for shooting and caption the title there is everything :-P be questa è la natura chapeau per ripresa e didascalia il titolo ci sta tutto |
| sent on July 12, 2019 (23:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you Franco, always present and attentive to my shots, thank you for the appreciation and compliments, hello soon Claudio Grazie Franco, sempre presente e attento ai miei scatti, ti ringrazio per l'apprezzamento e i complimenti, ciao a presto Claudio |
| sent on July 12, 2019 (23:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Claudio, guessing the peak moment of flowering is becoming like guessing a lot terno: usually you are likely to go early, this year instead at the beginning of July was already late. Thank you so much for your visit, liking and compliments, a dear greeting Claudio Ciao Claudio, indovinare il momento di massimo splendore della fioritura sta diventando come indovinare un terno al lotto: in genere si rischia di andare in anticipo, quest'anno invece a inizio luglio era già tardi. Grazie mille per visita, gradimento e complimenti, un caro saluto Claudio |
| sent on July 13, 2019 (0:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
So many small boundaries that apparently divide, but then there is the warm light and color that brushes and evens. Great beautiful and natural. Tanti piccoli confini che apparentemente dividono, poi però c'è la luce calda e il colore che pennella e uniforma. Gran bella e naturale. |
| sent on July 13, 2019 (1:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Bel commento, thanks Claudio, cheers. Bel commento, grazie Claudio, ciao. |
| sent on July 13, 2019 (10:40) | This comment has been translated
Great shot! |
| sent on July 13, 2019 (13:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Claudio, it is true for what you wrote in image title, we hope there is a turnaround otherwise poor us You performed a beautiful image, excellent composition, color capture and particularity shot, great Hello, good weekend :-) :-) Ciao Claudio, è vero per quanto hai scritto in titolo immagine, speriamo ci sia un'inversione di tendenza altrimenti poveri noi Hai eseguito una bellissima immagine, ottima la composizione, la cattura dei colori e la particolarità ripresa, bravissimo Ciao, buon week end  |
| sent on July 14, 2019 (1:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Werner, John, David, thank you for visiting and welcome comments, hello Claudio Werner, Giovanni, Davide, grazie per visita e graditi commenti, ciao Claudio |
| sent on July 14, 2019 (10:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Fantastic and natural colors also here Claudio, good, hello! Fantastici e naturali colori anche qui Claudio, bravo, ciao! |
| sent on July 14, 2019 (15:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Micio, my best wishes Claudio Grazie Micio, un caro saluto Claudio |
| sent on July 15, 2019 (20:07)
This wonderful scenery! Hello: Delphinus |
| sent on July 16, 2019 (1:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Delphinus, cheers Claudio Grazie Delphinus, ciao Claudio |
| sent on July 17, 2019 (9:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful colors and great definition. Hello Corrado Bellissimi colori e grande definizione. Ciao Corrado |
| sent on July 17, 2019 (10:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Corrado, cheers. Grazie Corrado, ciao. |
| sent on July 17, 2019 (15:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Interesting alternative vertical perspective and skilful use of the canvases that crushed the floors giving a pictorial look to the scene. Nice work Claudio. bye gios ;-) Interessante prospettiva verticale alternativa e sapiente uso del tele che ha schiacciato i piani dando un aspetto pittorico alla scena. Bel lavoro Claudio. bye gios |
| sent on July 17, 2019 (16:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you Gios, happy with your beautiful comment, a dear greeting, hello Claudio Grazie Gios, contento del tuo bellissimo commento, un caro saluto, ciao Claudio |
| sent on July 19, 2019 (16:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
it seems to fall into it, very nice, compliments sembra di cascarci dentro, molto bella, complimenti |
| sent on July 20, 2019 (2:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Angelo, happy for your appreciation, cheers Claudio Grazie Angelo, contento del tuo apprezzamento, ciao Claudio |
| sent on July 28, 2019 (1:32)
Great patterns in the landscape! Ann :)) |

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