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  4. » Belt and Sword of Orion

Belt and Sword of Orion...


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Belt and Sword of Orion sent on March 07, 2015 (0:00) by Fabioviti. 17 comments, 2221 views. [retina]

, Posa B f/3.5, ISO 400, tripod.

Vecchia foto a pellicola (Fuji Superia 400 Iso) eseguita con Pentax MX e obiettivo Super Carenar 200 f 3,5 a tutta apertura con filtro cross screen. Lo scatto è stato realizzato con 5 minuti di posa (se non ricordo male) con la macchina montata in parallelo ad un telescopio, a sua volta usato come puntatore per l'inseguimento. Inseguimento manuale (non computerizzato) fatto con oculare a reticolo illuminato autocostruito.

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sent on March 07, 2015 (6:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Extraordinary result with vintage equipment and self-built! Beautiful detail of the nebula.

sent on March 07, 2015 (12:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really nice! Congratulations!

sent on March 10, 2015 (0:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks so much for your appreciation.
I think the flavor and the results that were obtained with old films are still far with digital technology .... in some ways too perfect and "safe."
Perform a shot like this, or even with a pose longer with the film, meant ciucciarsi a good dose of cold and do not know what would come out ... The unexpected was always lurking, until you could not see the negative with the wonderful dots blacks who barely be seen.

sent on May 09, 2015 (18:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

This photograph is beautiful, both for the equipment and for the detail. Great technique, really!

sent on June 03, 2015 (14:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really beautiful, a marvel.

sent on June 03, 2015 (15:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I really like, a beautiful shot of that portion of the sky.
Congratulations, great detail.
The filter that bit of interest in more 'without exaggeration and without distorting the image.

sent on June 01, 2016 (12:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

sent on May 06, 2017 (13:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

It will also be a "old-fashioned" photo but it's really pretty ... 8-)

sent on May 06, 2017 (13:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you Luciano ..... for getting it I still remember having suffered almost the hell of the hell.
I still remember that it was August 28 ... 00:15 ... temperature + 5 °, 2000 meters around ... not a dog (fortunately) ... and the marmots around were giggling seeing me beat the Teeth from the cold.

sent on May 06, 2017 (13:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

You were probably stuck in a marmot community ... a bit irreverent and joker ... 8-)

sent on May 06, 2017 (14:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

True .... and think that they are usually nice pets!
I found the wrong ones ...

sent on May 06, 2017 (17:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Next time ... I bring some crunchy cats that ... although not recommended ... they are very much liked by horns, bugs, pettirossi, bites, teddy bears, lizards and who knows who else ... (personal experiences direct).
And for this reason I do not even think the marmots will dispel them ... 8-)
And if that works, remember to make a selfie ... all together ... to post here on Juza Photo ... 8-)

sent on May 06, 2017 (19:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Ahahah ... from what I saw in the natural parks, even if you could not give them food, they like everything .... bananas, biscuits, bread and who knows what else!

sent on May 07, 2017 (1:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Being rodents ... like many belonging to this family ... I'm of "good mouth" ... 8-)

sent on May 07, 2017 (11:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

An image gorgeous. As a little distant times, but prehistoric, if we consider the speed at which it travels technology.
Today, if you just talk about cross, they take you for a madman. Yet it is fashionable to go for a long time. I used it a lot in my services.
I never took the pictures to the stars, but I have tried in the shooting of a solar eclipse using two polarizing. And the great thing was just waiting. The anxiety and the expectation that you gripped until the development of films.
Who made these experiences, it should share more often.
Indeed ..... I dedicate a specific gallery to the film.

sent on May 08, 2017 (17:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Exactly Gianluca ... the cross filter was fashionable ..... bought and used 2 times, including this.
In the use made in this shot I was even more against the current, using the cross to simulate the spikes that came out of the diffraction of light on the secondary mirror supports of some types of telescopes, usually the Newtonians, at a time when they all stood Looking for techniques or tools that did not produce them.
I've always been fascinated by this, so I made this shot with the filter that was usually used for math photography.

sent on September 28, 2017 (1:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The cross is a personal choice not recently.
Regarding progress, I also agree that some things have deteriorated in a certain way. However, instruments are only tools and they are powerful or innovative I do not see it as bad, it depends on the use that one does. I am among the my acquaintances are the last one to have started with the analogue. First reflex at 9 years. A Weber with a 50mm f1.7. A couple of years ago I went to the digital after several disruptions at the turntable that ruined me many 120 medium rollers.
I know, however, that those who started analogously by switching to digital continue to see the picture-to- take-off. And I continue to carry gray Kodak cartridges and meter over memory cards ..... Good work anyway!

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