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  4. » Floodplain Panaro

Floodplain Panaro...

Piena del Po novembre 2014

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Floodplain Panaro sent on November 28, 2014 (22:00) by Alvar Mayor. 14 comments, 1982 views. [retina]

at 200mm, 1/125 f/11.0, ISO 100, hand held.

Golena del Panaro, a pochi km dall'immissione nel Po, subito dietro Bondeno. Scatto in RAW, convertito con DPP (nitidezza 6, rimozione aberrazione cromatica e sbavatura colore), ed elaborato con Paint Shop Pro X7: livelli e contrasto.

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sent on November 29, 2014 (0:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I like the composition of this, a little '"Fountain Style". Above the regularity of the trees with their reflection and below, in perfect symmetry, the gem of the wing of a gate (I hope they are; to see them so it seems) that razor sharp, for as I see it, are also the main subject. I find defects? Well ... If I could venture to say that I find little color, but it is also true that if the sky is gray flat and uniform graying everything else, is not that we can do much ... Everything this is to say that I like.


sent on November 29, 2014 (1:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

This, as the fifth gallery, contrast and saturation have a "weak", but I guess a possible improvement is in the frame or in anyway possible cuts during post. I would see better that way (sorry, do you place your photos to make first):


The version in B / N in my opinion does not make it, because the subject is too gray in the image (the water)

sent on November 29, 2014 (12:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

And 'the gate of the house in the first photo, taken by itself, too bad that its doors are open in the opposite direction, but I preferred not to go to correct this problem ... there was still more than a meter of water!

Yet I countered compared to RAW ... how if I countered.
Your version for my taste is too red.

sent on November 30, 2014 (1:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Red ??? ... Maybe yellow-blue !!! ... But red, not me he had never told anyone:-D

... Jokes aside, you have a valid and calibrated monitor ???
the picture as you see it, improve it or not ???
Everyone has his eye, even for the proportions etc, but I tried to use my to "enhance" the situation that takes the picture.
In my opinion, it could be a subject on which you should focus. I saw your other shots (few) that seem a bit 'lacking in the "layout" of the compositions (just my point of view and I hope it will be useful;-))

sent on November 30, 2014 (14:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ The occhiodelcigno
Red treetops, yellow on the gate.
The colors of water and gate are your best, to trees, the tops do not convince me.

The shot, perhaps, I have to think again, I'm undecided.

sent on November 30, 2014 (15:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Alvar, not those photos to pieces !!! ... I change the WB and saturated throughout the image without layers or masks: if the color of the gate, which reflects the light of the sun, and the water may be fine because they remember the light of the original picture, it say that even the trees were just as you have them photographed, maybe you do not remember;-)

... And then, it is only a starting point to have another point of view;-)

Come to the game of //www.juzaphoto.com/topic2.php? l = en & t = 1111116 & show = last # 4801425] post !!! :-D

sent on August 17, 2016 (14:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful and congratulations for the report!

sent on September 01, 2016 (11:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

both versions are absolutely pleasant

sent on September 01, 2016 (12:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Congratulations beautiful atmosphere and great composition

sent on January 05, 2022 (23:02) | This comment has been translated


sent on January 05, 2022 (23:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you.
We've been busy with it since the full one.
Seven abundant years.

sent on September 11, 2023 (22:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Of a mysterious essentiality.

sent on September 11, 2023 (22:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Less is more ... I come from the drawing, where you start from a blank sheet, and "put" ONLY what you want, and I must say that I find reality limiting, with all its complications, all the "things" that get in the way and prevent me from having only "subject and background lost in nothingness".

sent on September 11, 2023 (22:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

In fact, I noticed a kind of photos that you don't see every day. Very special and original. A warm greeting.

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