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| sent on April 21, 2014 (21:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello beautiful shot. I really like the colors, I might have a little off-center 'the two trees. Hello Massi Ciao bello scatto. Mi piacciono molto i colori,forse avrei decentrato un po' i due alberi. Ciao Massi |
| sent on April 21, 2014 (23:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks for the ride and for the advice! Diamond Grazie per il passaggio e per il consiglio! Diamante |
| sent on June 24, 2014 (23:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Well ... you're right, thanks for the ride and for the tip! Beh... hai ragione, grazie per il passaggio e per il suggerimento! |
| sent on June 25, 2014 (3:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Excellent color rendering and light management. I find the frame very clean, a fortiori quell'angolino top left distracts the observer. Personally I would cut to the left and at the top, just enough to eliminate ..... in fact; the left corner. Albano Ottima la resa cromatica e la gestione della luce. Trovo il fotogramma molto pulito, a maggior ragione quell'angolino in alto a sinistra distrae l'osservatore. Personalmente avrei tagliato a sinistra e in alto, quel tanto da eliminare ..... appunto; l'angolo a sinistra. Albano |
| sent on June 25, 2014 (9:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Shooting very interesting, following the advice they gave you the friends who have preceded me become superb! Congratulations on your photographic eye! All the best, Robert. Scatto molto interessante, seguendo i consigli che ti hanno dato gli amici che mi hanno preceduto diventerebbe superlativo! Complimenti per l'occhio fotografico! Un saluto, Roberto. |
| sent on June 26, 2014 (9:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Stephen, Albano, Roberto and Italo, for the transition and for the comments, (you're right sull'angolino to be cut) hello to everyone! Diamond Grazie Stefano, Albano, Roberto e Italo, per il passaggio e per i commenti, (avete ragione sull'angolino da tagliare) ciao a tutti! Diamante |
| sent on July 09, 2014 (22:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
It is very beautiful. Agree to clean the top corner to the right and to decentralize the two trees, hello Siro Si molto bella. D'accordo per pulire l'angolo in alto a destra e per decentrare i due alberi, ciao Siro |
| sent on July 09, 2014 (22:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Siro thanks for the visit and for the comment! Grazie Siro per la visita e per il commento! |
| sent on August 08, 2014 (20:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful Diamond, compliments Bellissima Diamante, complimenti |
| sent on August 08, 2014 (20:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Here, too, c 'is the hair in the egg on the top right: D: D ...... But I see more and more I like it. Hello Anche qui c' è il pelo nell uovo in alto a dx :D :D......Però piu la vedo e piu mi piace. Ciao |
| sent on August 08, 2014 (22:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
My pp are fast and barely touched, a bit 'of contrast and / or saturation, I have not noticed much later! With the appreciation! Le mie pp sono veloci e appena sfiorate, un po' di contrasto e/o saturazione, me ne sono accorto molto dopo! Grazie dell'apprezzamento! |
| sent on August 09, 2014 (14:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful image. In contrast, I like the centrality of the trees. The right angle I had not noticed, I personally do not bother me. Compliments. Hello. Carlo Bella immagine. In controtendenza, mi piace la centralità degli alberi. L'angolo a dx non l'avevo notato, personalmente non mi disturba. Complimenti. Ciao. Carlo |
| sent on August 10, 2014 (10:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Charles for the visit and for the appreciation! Grazie Carlo per la visita e per l'apprezzamento! |
| sent on August 21, 2014 (16:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
As beautiful as the other photos that make autumn a beautiful season to be photographed for its colors ... when they find someone like you who makes them exalt ... Congratulations! :-) Belle come le altre foto che rendono l'autunno una stagione bellissima da fotografare per i suoi colori... quando trovano uno come te che li fa esaltare...Complimenti! |
| sent on August 22, 2014 (12:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Vito Thanks for the welcome comment! Grazie Vito per il gradito commento! |
| sent on August 27, 2014 (9:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
very nice the whole series, especially those autumn colors and light rocking ..! good compliments:-P
hello Thu
molto belle tutta la serie, specialmente quelle autunnali, colori e luce da sballo..! bravo complimenti ciao gio |
| sent on August 28, 2014 (22:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Gio for your visit and for the welcome comment! Grazie Gio per la visita e per il gradito commento! |
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