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  4. » Light in Marseille

Light in Marseille...


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Light in Marseille sent on January 06, 2014 (13:33) by Falconfab. 30 comments, 3065 views. [retina]

, 1/100 f/5.6, ISO 400, hand held.

#Rosso "Questa foto è stata presentata al tagCircoloFotografico" Marsiglia, in una sera novembre, una luce fuori dai canoni classici è venuta a salutarci. La pp in lightroom è stata molto limitata, quello che si vede nella foto, per quanto incredibile possa sembrare, era quello che vedevano i miei occhi. 55mm. Ogni critica sarà una ricchezza che non sprecherò! Per il Circolo, gradirei critiche soprattutto sulla compo e consigli sulla pp, il rumore digitale mi è già stato fatto notare e sto già provando a correggerlo.

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sent on January 19, 2014 (13:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I like the colors, the composition, the vertical framing and shooting point that convey gaze away into the background. The digital noise on the sky is abnormal but enfatizzabile pp. (IMHO).
hello and good light, laurel
nb the sigma 10-20mm and the Canon 17-40mm 77mm filters carry the same ;-)

sent on January 19, 2014 (18:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks again ElleEmme of honor with your presence and your valuable comments.

I had "displayed" mentally picture during shooting, I would have done, with the masts of the boats, a sort of "V" converged on the Basilica. In addition, I had not noticed the parachutist otherwise I would have included in some other image. Unfortunately I was out and I did not light it it wide canvases. But even so, I have to say that the composition is not as in my usual style, that is ... poor! :-) I would call it "acceptable". The digital noise is very noticeable. I could not improve much with LR, now I try, if I do not ask you any other advice.
The filters will buy them ... but not now, I burned the ssd and I ran out of pennies! :-D

sent on January 19, 2014 (20:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on January 19, 2014 (20:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The shot I like, but you should trim, in my view, at the bottom to get rid of that piece of the boat (or pier), right, clear that draws the eye permanently.
In addition, it seems to me that it hangs to the right.
Perhaps the subject (the church) you put too central, I would try a lower recovery sacrificing a little 'the sky at the top (where it is blue and it does not say much in terms of color with the rest).
The rest of you have already said Lauro.

sent on January 19, 2014 (20:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

it hangs! ;-) And I had not noticed ... gulp.
is a boat and yes, I had already seen, 2 runs scored. What do you say, cut the height of the tallest flagpole (I like) or an inch higher?

for the pp, I found myself very distressed because the colors are already too unnatural, just touch some parameter becomes all fake ... any suggestions?

sent on January 19, 2014 (21:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I do not know if it was doable because I was not there, but if I had found a way to visually balance the lines of the tops of the boats on the right also left with the other boats, "accompanying" the eye to the center where there is the church would have been a really great shot.
Hello MN
ps: apart from the noise and slope ... :-D:-D ;-)

sent on January 20, 2014 (0:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Yes, that was the only improvement that I had already "seen" ... Unfortunately, when it was already late. I do not remember exactly but I think there were boats (seems a bit 'lower) even left so there was no need or choice, but one mistake :)

For the noise I must confess that I was convinced then that underexpose by half shutter is regaining better than raising the iso ... ignorance mixed with a dash of stupidity (if I understood well reflected by itself could not be ...). I say this because even though I have a little 'abandoned in favor of the 50d, the 1100d does not deserve these results ... :)

sent on January 20, 2014 (8:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

the 1100d does not deserve these results

Well, is not that you killed her! :-D
Anyway I use a 1100d and in fact at ISO 400 the noise is very very negligible.

sent on January 20, 2014 (12:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Before you get angry, know that I've read some of your comments on other images (eg that of the bare Labirint it seems to me), and I've very positively surprised by the ability that you have to order the concepts, grasp the key points and present them in the best ... You have a GIFT!
Andrea. ;-)

sent on January 20, 2014 (13:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

And instead I get angry.
I get angry because you told me before, I had not seen any of that and instead you're right. In particular, I understand only now because the right side is so bland and bare ... fault tree is cut to the right and not the trees in general as, instead, I thought. The line of houses, on the other hand, I had just ignored because uninteresting ... that's not how it's done! I remember that Freeman says that the frame should be a good look ... everything! The rabble, however, well ... I had not even read! Suddenly appeared to me now because I look at him burst through the screen of the phone. So the photo shows a small error in that big neglected ... yet grrr! If I had the remote with me I would have isolated the only cathedral, maybe I'd put her on the left and I would have contractingnto the parachutist to balance but ... I only stabilotto :) (just to find excuses ...).

Thanks for the compliments :) I write pretty well but if I concentrate ... no, it is a gift. It is the result of 'study' and effort. In fact, often what I say, especially if I do momentum, is misunderstood :) and I do not understand it myself when I reread it! : D thanks anyway for reading my work 'prosopopeici' labirint the picture: D

sent on January 20, 2014 (13:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


If you really really want to not throw it all away, I think you could cut away portion of the unabuona
lower part. Make an almost square format while keeping the sky, and ciollina until the gray building with windows
under the cathedral.
I found that the image gains ...
If anything if you try, post it for comparison ... ;-)

if I concentrate I write pretty well

I write if I concentrate more ca.gate. :-D

sent on January 20, 2014 (16:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

naaa, that vor not throw it all away! I think there really is not much to save. Sure I could, with a crop boost, show that the 18-55 is a very sharp lens, but apart from that, I believe there would be little :-)
The recompose the scene but only for educational purposes! ;-)

Andrea looks, your slating the almost total I liked it so! ;-) (Tell me tell me ... where do you live so you "thank you" in person ... wow wow!):-D

But for the colors? What would you have done in PP?

sent on January 20, 2014 (17:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

And bbravo Falcon!
I forgot the colors ...
Yesterday I Vistula photos with the notebook ... A sad! Not having a display worthy of the name, there I saw
a dominant horrible on houses.
On the PC monitor with serious and Wortmann goes better already, so the colors I have gone into the background.
If you say that the scene was more or less and you have not done so strange saturation in post, do not say anything.
I was not there that day in Marseille ... :-D
Post in a maximum change the white balance and act on the levels, I do not saturations.
But I have not started doing landscapes ... I do not know how to conduct myself in those occasions ...
I am not opposed in principle, always depends on the outcome ...

HoweverI suggest you again to make the cut that I have proposed.
For you, for me and for others. It seems like a useful move.

Hello ...
For the address, richiedimelo in mp ... :-D
Andrea. ;-)

sent on January 20, 2014 (17:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

So, this is a first test / interpretation. it's quite disgusting because it is very trivial:-D of course the crop extreme introduces some fault ;-)

Square cut

a little 'balance

sent on January 20, 2014 (18:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Just to say, look how the sky became to them a few minutes? sin that really had nothing to photograph (the cathedral was to the east and to the south the sky below) and I had to settle for a silhouette:

sent on January 20, 2014 (18:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful silhouette and beautiful sky ... ... :-D

But excuse me if I do the part of the cone in the c .. o, a role in which happy as a fish through water,
but I meant just a cut just below ...
Ie keeping a part of the trees of the boats, which would be a diagonal pattern to the photos (keeping the tree on the left that would block the diagonal trend towards the left eye) ...

In a few days I will be able to perform the cuts that I propose ...
At this time I have no post-production software installed (even the DPP) ... :-|

Hello ... ;-)

sent on January 20, 2014 (19:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

What role suits you? what's pinecone or that of ... cave? :-D:-D
expected to try to understand ... juro I can not ...
do you mean that I have to delete the entire sky down to the wire of the cathedral?

something like this?

'Bat like I know' goat ... not even if I drive like a blind man find the road ...

ps thanks

sent on January 20, 2014 (21:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Falcon (but how the hell is your name?! Falconfab Right? Falconio? Faberge? Just can not understand it ... :-|
:-D), do not fret ... :-D
Give me a day or two and you arrive with the photo as I say ...
Those who have tried to entrre in my head are all lost ... :-D

It 'a journey of no return ... wow!

Hello. ;-)

sent on January 20, 2014 (21:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

rizio go with Fab ... :-)

However, the latest posted is a mess but I find it more enjoyable! :-D the rule of thirds has its why! :-D

sent on January 20, 2014 (21:34) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Here I give you reason anyway.
But I see the excess of dominant monitor also good ...
They are the original colors? You pastrocchiato you?


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