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| sent on November 12, 2013 (22:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
che bella! che bella! |
| sent on November 13, 2013 (10:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Sweet, lovely expressiveness had :-| Dolcissima, aveva un'espressività incantevole |
| sent on November 13, 2013 (13:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
What little girl "sweet"! :-P Beautiful composition with the "back" of the chair diagonally and with the upright (?) Oblique on the left side giving great dynamism to the picture! ;-) Regards, Paul Che bimba "dolcissima"! Bella la composizione con la "spalliera" della sedia in diagonale e con il montante (?) obbliquo sul lato sinistro che conferiscono grande dinamicità all'immagine! Saluti, Paolo |
| sent on November 18, 2013 (12:35) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Paul, in the original framing was more ampioa, so I decided to cut it so in order to bring out the sweet little girl's face, here a little grumpy but even more beautiful! Ciao Paolo, nell'originale l'inquadratura era più ampioa, per cui ho preferito tagliarla così in modo da far risaltare il dolcissimo viso della bambina, qui un po imbronciata ma ancora piu bella! |
| sent on January 13, 2014 (19:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
beautiful little girl, you talented! Hello Strawberry (do not know your name ..... :-() Paola bellissima la bambina , bravissima tu! Ciao Fragola (non so il tuo nome.....) Paola |
| sent on February 24, 2014 (18:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Sorry I'm late, pleasure, Francesca!! 8-) and thanks again for the compliments! Scusa il ritardo, piacere, Francesca!!!!!! e grazie sempre per i complimenti! |
| sent on November 22, 2014 (10:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really nice one shot, a picture with the "R" case pout of this little girl puts him so tenderly, very good Davvero uno bello scatto, un ritratto con la "R" maiuscolo il broncio di questa bimba mette tanta tenerezza addosso, molto brava |
| sent on November 24, 2014 (18:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Cosimo! It was a sweet little girl French, on vacation in Valencia: - | are glad you like this shot! Until next time! Francesca Grazie Cosimo! Era una dolcissima bimba francese, in vacanza a Valencia sono contenta che ti piaccia questo scatto! Alla prossima! Francesca |
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