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found! sent on July 04, 2013 (21:21) by Paspas. 6 comments, 1103 views. [retina]

, 1/8000 f/1.4, hand held.

canon eos 1v hs con Kodak portra 400 ...io con i piedi in acqua...(nota tecnica)

View High Resolution 6.3 MP  

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sent on July 04, 2013 (22:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice environmental portrait.
A raddrizzatina the horizon you could give it to him.
Every time I see the fuzzy 50one I will close the stomach.
Sooner or later it will be my 8-)

sent on July 05, 2013 (13:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Believe me ... ... development, digitized and mold ... with the pp I do not know know where to start ...!
And ... if you can own it ..!! good, indeed, very good shopping ..!

sent on July 05, 2013 (22:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello, how beautiful the colors of the film!
May I ask what do you use to scan? And the development is done in house?

sent on July 06, 2013 (22:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

lorenzf hello, thank you! unfortunately these are the last shots coming from the darkroom
housewife (WC!!), and now, while still using film, I will go through the lab, assume also
for digitizing the latter ... I split the cost with a friend of mine who shall bear all the work
with the computer because I have a certain refusal ... if I write correctly is a nikon coolscan v and ...
I hope I was helpful signing

sent on July 08, 2013 (0:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you very much, because I too am approaching on tiptoe to the film.
But to shoot and then send to print in Lab unprofessional ... mmm ... I do not like the idea too. Not for my level of picture clearly, which is low, but for pure personal satisfaction.
The problem is that in my area I do not know where to turn, where to do scans and development worthy of the name. Not what industry so to speak. Maybe I say nonsense, but I think we both know what I mean. In Tuscany you spoke well of two Lab of Florence, but now there are no more unfortunately.

However, if you have any names to tell me I would be grateful. I read that in Turin there is a firm specializing in scans, but not in development. However, the coolscan know I'm scanner with all the trimmings!
And so muchto speak, I do not want the nostalgic (I do not even old enough to do so) lately to stand there with Photoshop really do not gratifies me, surely I'm wrong approach. And now I feel I want to try with the film ... maybe I will remain disappointed who knows. But anyhow ... I do it for passion / game then try does not cost me anything.
hello hello

sent on July 20, 2013 (22:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very beautiful!

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