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  4. » Stak 100/200 - single shot.

Stak 100/200 - single shot....

Foto Astronomiche

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Stak 100/200 - single shot. sent on August 16, 2023 (2:34) by AstroC. 4 comments, 276 views. [retina]

IMX 183c (1"). Apo 80/560 F7. EQ5. Stak 100/200 (SharpCap/AS3/Registax6) e singolo scatto (SharpCap). 15ms. Gain 100. GIMP per sovrapposizione e conversione TIFF/JPEG (nessuna correzione in post).

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2 persons like it: Errevi, Green is the colour

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sent on August 16, 2023 (9:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Better the left for details, I did not understand how many shots you stacked. Thank you and fresh day.

sent on August 16, 2023 (12:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

100 frames used in AS3 and subsequent treatment in Registax6 out of a total of 200 frames of sequence performed with "StartCapture" function in SharpCap for the left one. A single shot taken with the "snapshot" function key in SharpCap for the right one. Cut and paste with Gimp to put them side by side.

sent on August 18, 2023 (12:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

At the time of the "plague" I did an experiment similar to yours. My equipment was certainly not at the top, Rubinar 1000 f / 10 and Sony A7II, however the photo obtained with the stak of about forty shots was clearly sharper than that obtained with a single photo ... I happened to read a comment on a page ofFB dedicated to photography, well the guy claimed that to photograph the moon you do not need the tripod and use the technique of stak does not bring any benefit ... ??

sent on August 18, 2023 (14:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The potential of stak is very high. And I think you'll agree with me that it's a fact. To get something decent in terms of sharpness and detail I think the use of a tripod is the minimum union. With long focal lengths even better if equipped with a tracker. That then there are those convinced that freehand they are able to obtain comparable results, or even better, what can I say. If they are happy and convinced good for them. To me, in the long run, they only make them "laugh".
As for the Rubinar, having tried it in the past, he can have his say. It requires a bit long shutter speeds, due to high focal ratio, frontal obstruction and long focal length that makes the target escape quickly. And already on the easel is a hair in difficulty. But if you place it on an equatorial mount with lunar tracking it can give a hard time to many optics.

RCE Foto

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