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| sent on March 13, 2023 (14:05) | This comment has been translated
Beautiful |
| sent on March 13, 2023 (14:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
...... disciplined everyone with helmets ..... very good!!!! .... for sure we are not at ..... (I don't say it) ......disciplinati tutti con il casco.....ottimo!!!!....di sicuro non siamo a .....(non lo dico) |
| sent on March 13, 2023 (14:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
It gives a good idea :) Rende bene l'idea :) |
| sent on March 13, 2023 (15:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The photo is beautiful and gives the idea of vehicular chaos ;-) When I was in Hanoi the helmet did not exist, a few cars and thousands of bicycles. I arrived in Hanoi in the evening and in the morning I wanted to walk to the Italian Embassy (200mt) well you won't believe it but I couldn't cross the street for how many bicycles and tuk tuks pedal taxis non-existent :-D La foto è bellissima e rende l'idea del caos veicolare Quando ero ad Hanoi il casco non esisteva, qualche auto e migliaia di biciclette. Sono arrivato ad Hanoi in serata e al mattino sono voluto andare a piedi all'Ambasciata italiana (200mt) beh non ci crederete ma non riuscivo ad attraversare la strada per quante biciclette e tuk tuk a pedali taxi inesistenti |
| sent on March 13, 2023 (16:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful image. Greetings. Cg Bellissima immagine. Un saluto. CG |
user203495 | sent on March 13, 2023 (19:55) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
But is there anyone who curses? Ma c'è qualcuno che impreca? |
| sent on March 14, 2023 (9:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Magnificent! The colors, the movement, the people... Fantastic! :-) Magnifica! I colori, il movimento, la gente... Fantastica! |
| sent on March 14, 2023 (12:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Buses, cars, motorcycles, bikes, men, women, all in line, all in order, it seems a disciplined chaos... But I wonder: will that gray sky be fog or smog? Autobus, Auto, moto, bici, uomini, donne, tutti in fila, tutti in ordine, sembra un caos disciplinato...ma mi chiedo: quel cielo grigio sarà nebbia o smog ? |
| sent on March 14, 2023 (16:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Fidelity to a memory to take with you. * Best regards Patrizio La fedeltà a un ricordo da portare con sé. * Saluti cordiali Patrizio |
| sent on March 16, 2023 (17:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I see several masks, bad air Emanuele? worse than the Po Valley? Vedo diverse mascherine, aria cattiva Emanuele? peggio della Pianura Padana? |
| sent on March 16, 2023 (21:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Yes, there is a lot of smog, Hanoi is one of the most polluted cities in Vietnam. Sì, c'è tantissimo smog, Hanoi è una delle città più inquinate del Vietnam. |
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