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NGC2237 sent on December 26, 2021 (22:40) by Zenidem. 4 comments, 475 views. [retina]

, f/4.0, ISO 3200, tripod. Legnano, Italy.

Nebulosa Rosetta (per me Nebulosa Teschio) ripresa a 150mm, con 309 scatti da 6 secondi per circa 30' di segnale. Registrato il tutto la stessa notte in cui ho ripreso la IC 2118, con le stesse condizioni... e direi che ho fatto bene visto il meteo non clemente delle ultime settimane! Software: DSS+Photoshop+Starnet

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sent on December 27, 2021 (13:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I did not understand the number of shots. how many are there?
interesting result cmq; I thought I'd take it back too.... if I'm weather decides to get to the beautiful !
other question: starnet you used it x separate the nebula and process it separately?

sent on December 27, 2021 (16:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

These are 309 shots (I did not have the info at hand when I uploaded it, in fact I also correct the overall time); more precisely, I used the result to emphasize the nebula via layer mask.
Unfortunately for the weather here in Lombardy we talk about it for sure for 2022, I hope at least one night before the 6th to resume Orion :-(

sent on December 27, 2021 (20:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

thanks for the info, Zenidem :-)
here in Veneto put openings already towards Friday, I'm crossing my fingers.
the intention is to finish filming on the pleiades and then begin filming on another subject.
the rosette attracts me a lot, but I have seen among your previous images the head of a witch.
I would be curious to feel this limit, it must be quite difficult.
however, it strikes me a lot how much you can squeeze out of the observation sessions and how much you can get out of the instrumentation :-) big!! 8-)

sent on December 29, 2021 (0:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you! I try to pull out as much as possible :-)
The difference could be made by the weather (alas), in the plains it takes enough luck to have a dry night and with the moon minimally invasive. Also consider that with the 40-150 2.8 I could afford to close at F4 having a good sharpness in addition to a decent brightness.

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