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| sent on December 25, 2020 (15:04) | This comment has been translated
Beautiful! |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (15:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Daniele! Buon Natale!!! cheers Grazie Daniele! Buon Natale!!! Ciao |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (15:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Great!!! :-o Cyo!! Raffael Fantastica!!! Ciao!! Raffaele |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (15:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Raffaele! Buon Natale!! cheers Grazie Raffaele! Buon Natale!! Ciao |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (15:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Great shot, congratulations. A greeting. Marco. Gran bello scatto, complimenti. Un saluto. Marco. |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (15:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful. Buone Parties bye Bella. Buone Feste ciao |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (16:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Nice picture, congratulations Bella immagine , complimenti |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (17:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very nice, congratulations Roberto. Buon Christmas, bye! Sergio ;-) method Molto bella, complimenti Roberto. Buon Natale, ciao! Sergio |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (17:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
What a beautiful, deep and atmosphere... Congratulations! Pietro Che bella, che profondità e che atmosfera... complimenti! Pietro |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (20:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Congratulations Roberto, gran beautiful image. Merry Christmas, Paolo Complimenti Roberto, gran bella immagine. Auguri di Buon Natale, Paolo |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (20:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you! Marco Alessandro Zanardo Sergio Pietro Paolo Buon Natale! Hello Grazie! Marco Alessandro Zanardo Sergio Pietro Paolo Buon Natale! Ciao |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (20:43) | This comment has been translated
Beautiful atmosphere! |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (22:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Magnificent atmosphere....... A dear greeting and Happy Holidays Stefano Magnifica atmosfera....... Un caro saluto e Buone Feste Stefano |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (22:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you! Zinder Claudio Stefano Buon Christmas! Bye Grazie! Zinder Claudio Stefano Buon Natale! Ciao |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (22:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful shot Sincere congratulations So good greetings and happy holidays Daniela Bellissimo scatto Sinceri complimenti Tanti cordiali saluti e buone feste Daniela |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (22:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Roberto, what a magical setting you have taken up, imposing the rocky top that rises towards the sky so much so that it looks like a bow of a ship. You can tell me what this summit is called, so out of curiosity because I've never been to the Julian Alps. I know by name some names of peaks where the Italian departments fought the great war, I hope one day to be able to make some excursions in the area Bravissimo, hello, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and your loved ones Ciao Roberto, che magica ambientazione hai ripreso, imponente la cima rocciosa che si innalza verso il cielo tant'è da sembrare una prua di una nave. Mi sai dire come si chiama questa cima, così per curiosità perché nelle Alpi Giulie non ci sono mai stato. Conosco per nome alcune cime dove i reparti italiani hanno combattuto la grande guerra, spero un giorno di riuscire a farmi qualche escursione in zona, anche se in realtà sono trent'anni oramai che mi dico, devo andare in Friuli e poi giro sempre per l'Alto Adige Bravissimo, ciao, BUONE FESTE a te e ai tuoi cari |
| sent on December 25, 2020 (23:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really nice atmosphere.. Compliments A greeting Pier Davvero una bella atmosfera.. Complimenti Un saluto Pier |
| sent on December 26, 2020 (0:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful composition compliments :-o hello Joseph Bellissima composizione complimenti ciao Giuseppe |
| sent on December 26, 2020 (9:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very very nice, congratulations Roberto!! Ciao, Carlo. Molto molto bella, complimenti Roberto!! Ciao, Carlo. |

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