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| sent on February 17, 2018 (7:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Comments and suggestions welcome! Commenti e suggerimenti graditi! |
| sent on February 18, 2018 (18:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
You're a Wizard .... the red you managed to turn it into Blue .... for me Stupenda. 7 Hi Raimondo Sei un Mago....il rosso sei riuscito a tramutrlo in Blu....per me Stupenda. 7 Ciao Raimondo |
| sent on February 18, 2018 (19:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you so much Raimondo, in truth the photo came out. I was throwing because too underexposed, just for the sake I tried to give it an automatic adjustment with Capture One and it came out of this wonder of colors ... Good evening!
Marco Grazie mille Raimondo, in verità è uscita così la foto. La stavo buttando perchè troppo sottoesposta, solo per scrupolo ho provato a dargli una regolazione in automatico con Capture One ed è saltata fuori questa meraviglia di cromie... Buona serata! Marco |
| sent on February 18, 2018 (19:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Marco, I like the long exposures, you have well combined the fixed elements and those moved, the direction of clouds clouds accentuates the sense of depth, the foam gives the brio ... everything is seasoned with a warm and grazing light, which is reflected on the rocks ... finally, the gaze settles on the horizon on the lights ... Beautiful three-dimensional photo, where the gaze is lost in the harmony of light, guided by natural elements. Congratulations again and thank you for sharing it. Greetings Giuliano. Ciao Marco, mi piacciono le lunghe esposizioni, hai ben coniugato gli elementi fissi e quelli mossi, la direzione delle nubi nubi accentua il senso di profondità, la schiuma dà il brio... il tutto è condito da una luce calda e radente, che si riflette sugli scogli... per finire lo sguardo si posa all'orizzonte sulle luci... Bella foto tridimensionale, dove lo sguardo si perde nell'armonia della luce, guidata dagli elementi naturali. Complimenti ancora e grazie per averla condivisa. Un saluto Giuliano. |
| sent on March 01, 2018 (10:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The location is beautiful, the photo ... equally. Congratulations Marco. La location è stupenda, la foto... altrettanto. Complimenti Marco. |
| sent on March 02, 2018 (8:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you so much Giorgio!
Marco Grazie mille Giorgio! Marco |
| sent on March 17, 2018 (22:40)
Fantastic long exposure and resulting colours. I do find the over-large "signature" very distracting though. |
| sent on March 20, 2018 (23:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks for the comment Timk2. I will reconsider the dimension of the watermark, actually now that you have pointed out it is big and too visible. Marco Grazie del commento Timk2. Riconsidererò la dimensione del watermark, effettivamente ora che lo hai fatto notare è grande e troppo visibile. Marco |
| sent on June 06, 2018 (22:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Hello Marco Spectacular image Thanks to the use of the stand and the pose B you have obtained you have obtained beautiful effects both in the sky and in the water image of great visual impact thanks also to the beautiful colors present and the beautiful Composition. Good result. Compliments A greeting and a good evening Roberto Ciao Marco Immagine spettacolare Grazie all'utilizzo del cavalletto e della posa B hai ottenuto hai ottenuto dei bellissimi effetti sia nel cielo che nell'acqua Immagine di grande impatto visivo grazie anche alle bellissime cromie presenti e alla bella composizione. Gran bel risultato. Complimenti Un saluto e una buona serata Roberto |
| sent on July 05, 2018 (7:54) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Marco Grazie!!! Marco |
| sent on August 03, 2024 (8:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Excellent realization. Congratulations Ottima realizzazione. Complimenti |

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