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| sent on July 05, 2016 (12:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful shot, andrea a greeting :-) Bello scatto , un saluto andrea |
| sent on July 05, 2016 (13:07)
Great street shot! Ann :)) |
| sent on July 05, 2016 (20:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Andreasettimoquarto! :) Thank you Ann! :) Grazie Andreasettimoquarto! :) Thank you Ann! :) |
| sent on July 10, 2016 (18:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
The qualita'e'quella that and '.. and shooting really do not piu'di excites me as much as composition, subjects and time-aperture settings from rivedere..Chi enhances these shots .., it does only harm the user stesso.E'da trashing .. La qualita'e'quella che e'.. e lo scatto sinceramente non mi esalta piu'di tanto sia per composizione,soggetti e impostazioni tempi-diaframma da rivedere..Chi esalta tali scatti..,fa solo del danno all'utente stesso.E'da cestinare.. |
| sent on July 10, 2016 (18:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Levenska thank you, too, it often takes more courage to say that one does not like it. Obviously I did my technical choices on which we can discuss and do not necessarily see us agree! For those who loved these shots, as you define them, accuse them ... no accounting for taste disputandum non est! ;-) Hello and good light! Serena Levenska ringrazio anche te, spesso ci vuole più coraggio a dire che una cosa non piace. Ovviamente ho fatto le mie scelte tecniche sulle quali possiamo discutere e non necessariamente trovarci d'accordo! Per chi invece ha apprezzato questi scatti, come li definisci tu, non li accuserei... De gustibus disputandum non est! ciao e buona luce! Serena |
| sent on July 10, 2016 (18:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I find it pleasant to the eye point and the B & N. The shaft of light in the background was difficult to manage. You could cut right excluding the window with grating in order to balance the composition and make more readable the two musicians ;-). (Imho). Hello, Lauro Trovo piacevoli il punto di ripresa e il B&N . La lama di luce sullo sfondo era di difficile gestione. Si potrebbe ritagliare a dx escludendo la finestra con grata in modo da equilibrare la composizione e rendere più leggibili i due musicanti . (imho). Ciao, Lauro |
| sent on July 10, 2016 (23:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I think you're right Lauro, hehe! Thank you! :) Mi sa che hai ragione Lauro, eheh! Grazie! :) |

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