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  4. » Super Red Moon

Super Red Moon...

Il cielo in tutte le sue forme

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Super Red Moon sent on September 28, 2015 (11:29) by Eplerenone. 7 comments, 1446 views. [retina]

at 250mm, 2 sec f/5.6, ISO 1600, tripod.

Ore 4.25 del 28 Settembre 2015, una super Luna rossa quasi al culmine dell'eclissi totale. La parte inferiore appare luminosa perchè ancora oltre il margine del cono d'ombra della Terra. Bella, vero? L'avete fotografata anche voi? ;)

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sent on September 28, 2015 (12:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Tonight I could not resist until 4 to see: -D: -D: -D the moon, it means that I will refer to the great pictures of the forum: fsmile
nice picture,
Hi Davide :-)

sent on September 28, 2015 (15:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello David, thank you! I made it just in time to take the photo that then the sky is completely closed. ;-)

sent on September 30, 2015 (21:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Welcome back, we look at our world with a red moon pageant. I really like, and I am pleased that you have not forgotten to make shots.
Best wishes and good evening Fabrizio :-P :-) ;-)

sent on October 01, 2015 (19:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Dear Fabrizio, a pleasure to find yourself! Yes I'm here. Unfortunately I photographed recently in the last period but I would also take advantage of the fall colors that return always nice pictures;)
This moon is also the first shot in my small personal photographic project (suggested to me by a friend). 52 shots, one for each week of the year.
Best wishes! ;-)

sent on October 02, 2015 (3:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Joseph, welcome back :-P :-P
I too had disconnected a month this summer !! ;-): Fconfuso:
Still nice shot I tried myself with 18-55, but the photo croppando shells a lot !!: fconfuso:
Anyway I enjoyed the red moon live, an emotion that I can give no photos !! ;-)
Congratulations and welcome back waiting least a shot a week: -D: -D 8-)

sent on October 03, 2015 (17:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hi Francesco! Thank you ;-)
It 'was really a special event. Unfortunately I woke up five minutes before shooting and I was half stoned, I tell you the truth: -D
But it was great to see this red moon in the middle of the night.
Thanks again and we hope to end up with some other new release. I see with pleasure even yours! ;-) :-P :-)

sent on May 06, 2016 (9:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

This beautiful red moon
Congratulations Giuseppe
Hello the next

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