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Next call New York...


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sent on September 01, 2015 (17:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

ITA with fantastic colors!


sent on September 01, 2015 (18:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I like it too even if they are part :-P

sent on September 01, 2015 (18:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Federico. It was a beautiful summer evening and the colors were fantastic especially live!

sent on September 01, 2015 (18:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Marco50, although I know that you are part of!

sent on September 01, 2015 (18:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I agree with Federico, beautiful colors and good composition, a great sunset :-P :-P
Hello, Charles.

sent on September 01, 2015 (18:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I'm biased but I find it a crazy light ...., excellent reading of the dock with the building right to the point that it looks like a double exposure. sincere compliments, really great job.

sent on September 01, 2015 (19:17) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A beautiful fiery sunset, beautiful colors.
As composition, perhaps, I would try to have the ship a bit 'closer.
In any case, very beautiful! Compliments!
Hello! Sergio ;-) :-P

sent on September 01, 2015 (19:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Charles thanks for your comment, I'm learning! In the field or in post-production. Marco50 My teacher is very patient!

sent on September 01, 2015 (19:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Gianni your comment. The light was amazing, we had a huge fortune for a rainy city like Liverpool. I admit I made a lot 'of experiments the same subject before tirane out a ... decent! But the way to get good results is soooo long. Thank you very much!

sent on September 01, 2015 (19:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Sergio thanks for your comment. You're right about the composition, I also believe that the ship closer would have given a better pdr but, I admit that this was the picture with the best light ... so I posted. Thanks for your advice: for those who are learning are much appreciated.

sent on September 01, 2015 (20:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Mandala
The sky and beautiful with this color scheme, excuse me but subjectively, I find that the composition could be improved, then there is one thing that makes me mad too often in my photos, but I can be wrong, it seems to me that there is a bit of sharpenig , or it has been increased focus ........... !!!!!!
I understand that time may not allow you to use a smaller aperture freehand, certainly will have other opportunities to experiment, a diaphragm 8 or higher would be better, using a stand or a tripod because of the shutter speed, but I say I did take a little hand, my friend knows more than me, something that I would say out of the technical and canons, but after gaining knowledge of the technique, experiment always fires everywhere even in the trivialyou can find a stimulus, always carries his camera with you in the bathroom ironically, looking photos and shooting data, take out your I fearlessly. 8-)
SctVtr 8-) ;-)

sent on September 01, 2015 (21:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

the sky and 'certainly a very important element in this shot. as already done 'notice, for the composition I too would have preferred a right side more' clean '(without dock to speak ;-)) - virtually the ship and sky - the two elements of attraction in the shot.
hello - Free

sent on September 01, 2015 (22:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The fiery color of the water and 'consequence of his glare from the sky at sunset really beautiful and impressive, the combination of these two elements, sky and water, enhanced by gradations so' intense, almost alone made the photo and ' very interesting but could be even more 'valued, I try to speak my mind:
a center line of the frame, the strip of land in the distance divides it into two parts (the ones mentioned just now), but 'this is another element that would not be bad to assess more (as indeed already' suggested above, but also other quoto expressed proactively) to try to bring more 'evidence, that' by allocating (whenever it is possible), a few moments more 'to the choice of the best pdr, maybe moving back or moving sideways, or by searching a &# 39; other more '' open 'in order to minimize or prevent the wharf and the construction above (who take too much attention and shake the visual field) and try to "see" more' lone ship at the bottom, to create Also the conditions for playing alternative shots with zoom, or perhaps create some small margin management for any clippings / alignments targeted and / or shifts in post (where relevant, the possibility 'of composing with a cut more' narrow and markedly wide); -).
All this in hindsight and in my personal opinion :-).
Greetings Mandala
Hello, Claudio :-P

sent on September 01, 2015 (22:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on September 01, 2015 (22:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The photos I piace..il fiery sunset was well taken, excellent colors and focus. The picture as a whole, however, is slightly biased to the right where it is placed on the first floor, which normally should be the point of greatest interest and that is a bit 'dark for the color off. However beautiful the red glow on the lampposts and walls exposed to light, which would be made more visible and would definitely improved throughout the resume point if it were more to the left, but maybe it was not possible. The cut of the horizon is centrale..forse you could remove a little of the dock or to taste a bit 'of the sky to fall under the rule of thirds. ;-) :-P
My considerations however are purely academic, that normally do not do because I tend to respect the choices ofll'autore judging more the emotional impact that the technical aspect.
So in the end I congratulate you. ;-)
Greetings, Gabriel.

sent on September 01, 2015 (23:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Reading the previous comments I would say that you have said and as many opinions, it seems a good way to introduce yourself.
The image I like

sent on September 02, 2015 (0:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice this picturesque sunset, the sky color and design of the clouds are beautiful;)
I like the perspective that guides the eye to the horizon! ;)
I find enjoyable PDR chosen with the dock in the foreground on the right, which at first glance curious gaze, and gaze at the rest !;)
Excuse me if I would, but I agree with Sergio Albieri x regarding the ship in the background, but this does not detract from the beauty of this your interpretation! ;)
Congratulations for the achievement! ;)
Good photos! :)
By Fabio

sent on September 02, 2015 (16:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks to Victor, Francoia, nightflier, Nacapatanta, Gabriele, Img73 and Fabio for your much appreciated comments. They are the first weapons so any advice is invaluable. Based on the messages I did a little 'homework and I worked on another shot of the same series. The ship is nearest heaven and earth seem so balanced the PDR is different. From now on I'll take the stand in order to allow me to use your diaphragm more without fear of moved. My Canon 100D is very small and can fit in a purse so I'll try to take it with me. This is the result after your advice ....

Thanks again to everyone, I hope to betterare!

sent on September 03, 2015 (14:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I can not give technical advice .... because I take pictures mostly automatic: fconfuso: ;-)
The sky in this photo is the star, and is at its best. I also like the area right at the top, where the color is muted, kneaded, and seems to give the three-dimensional layers of color clouds.
The ship in the distance, also gives a sense of depth to the composition.
Very pleasant lamppost and its light reflected under the pier.
A remarkable sunset, good !!!!
:-) :-)
Ps: I can not open the photo you entered in your comment .... :-(

sent on September 03, 2015 (15:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I really like the light of this shot

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