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| sent on August 24, 2015 (19:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks for your fast digs LIKE :-P Grazie scava per il tuo velocissimo MI PIACE |
| sent on August 24, 2015 (21:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Peter thanks the fine words suffice it to you as an opinion and watching your shots are are happy for your comment Known as written in the description the machine I placed on the ground to shoot if not know the rough coming out A greeting :-) Peter grazie delle belle parole mi basti tu come opinione e guardando i tuoi scatti sono sono contentissimo del tuo commento Nota come scritto nella descrizione la macchina l'ho appoggiata a terra per lo scatto se no sai il mosso che usciva Un saluto |
| sent on August 24, 2015 (21:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
I join all friend Peter although I know the picture. Colors that reflect the reality cut good despite the difficulties in detail and sharpness. a great shot :-) Mi unisco all amico Peter anche se conosco l'immagine. Colori che rispecchiano la realtà taglio buono nonostante le difficoltà e nitidezza nei particolari. un ottimo scatto |
| sent on August 25, 2015 (0:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Also thanks Peter :-) Sempre grazie Peter |
| sent on September 01, 2015 (17:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Gorgeous! The Sagrada Familia is very very charming!
Federico Bellissima! La Sagrada Familia è molto molto affascinante! Federico |
| sent on September 01, 2015 (18:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Federico. A magical place Grazie Federico. Un posto magico |
user28555 | sent on September 01, 2015 (22:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Directly striking that I have already 'seen in other photos, but never with these shades' of color and light; point shooting always appealing, for a picture captured very nice and sharp, always a pleasure to watch; Very good :-) . I am still in condition, from personal experience, to propose (if I can) a suggestion: those 2 mm of availability 'wide angle, perhaps it always pays to exploit them, perhaps extending a little frame, but the spaces in more', evaluating and maximum are eliminated in the post, but if there 'to straighten the frame / framing, or some particular is known then and that 'on the edge or just ran out of the frame, then we eat nails ..., leaving a breath of air in more' on the outskirts saved me I do not know how many Sometimes after viewing the foto in PP, straighten and re-composition, "eat" more slices frame ... ;-) Hello, Claudio :-P Inquadratura suggestiva che ho gia' visto in altre foto, ma mai con queste tonalita' di colore e luce; punto di ripresa sempre accattivante, per una immagine colta molto bella e nitida, sempre un piacere da osservare; bravissima . Mi sento comunque nella circostanza, per esperienza personale, di proporre (se posso) un suggerimento: quei 2 millimetri di disponibilita' del grandangolo, forse vale sempre la pena di sfruttarli, magari si estende un poco l'inquadratura,ma gli spazi in piu', si valutano ed al massimo si eliminano in post, ma se c'e' da raddrizzare il fotogramma/inquadratura, o qualche particolare si nota poi che e' al margine o scappato appena fuori dal fotogramma, poi ci si mangia le unghie..., lasciare un filo di aria in piu' alla periferia mi ha salvato non so quante volte dopo aver visionato la foto in pp, il raddrizzo e la ricomposizione, "mangiano" sempre fettine di frame... Ciao, Claudio |
| sent on September 08, 2015 (14:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Recovery hypnotic psychedelic colors beautiful alternation of light and shadow I like !! Psichedelica ripresa dai colori ipnotici bella alternanza di luce ed ombra Mi piace !! |
| sent on September 08, 2015 (14:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Vittorio answer you late for work problems Thank you for your nice comment Ps I do not forget the advice given to me earlier A greeting Vittorio ti rispondo in ritardo per problemi di lavoro Grazie del tuo bel commento Ps non mi dimenticherò i consigli datomi in precedenza Un saluto |
| sent on September 08, 2015 (14:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Claudio your explanation really very detailed brings me to implement your suggestions in order to better manage the frame. really a great comment / advice I'll keep this thanks for your time Hello Claudio la tua spiegazione veramente molto dettagliata mi porta ad attuare i tuoi consigli per poter gestire meglio il fotogramma. veramente un grandissimo commento/ consiglio che terrò presente grazie del tuo tempo Ciao |
| sent on September 08, 2015 (14:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Juliet a great big thank you :-) Hello Giulietta un grande enorme grazie Ciao |
| sent on May 23, 2017 (18:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you Eugenio! I too put a little before I could get in. After so many times in Barcelona I managed to book and enter. It really was worth it! Grazie Eugenio! Anche io ci ho messo un po' prima di riuscire ad entrare. Dopo tante volte a Barcellona sono riuscita a prenotare ed entrare. Ne è valsa davvero la pena! |
user59947 | sent on July 28, 2017 (15:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Gran bel pdr Compliments Gran bel pdr Complimenti |
user62049 | sent on July 28, 2017 (17:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful pdr and colors bellissimo il pdr e i colori |
| sent on July 28, 2017 (18:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
An original PDA I like very much Un pdr originale Mi piace molto |

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