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  3. Landscape with human elements
  4. » Panoramic view of San Domenico

Panoramic view of San Domenico...


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Panoramic view of San Domenico sent on March 26, 2015 (20:50) by Eplerenone. 8 comments, 1143 views. [retina]

at 35mm, 1/10 f/5.6, ISO 800, hand held. Siena, Italy.

Chiesa di San Domenico, Siena

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sent on March 28, 2015 (23:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful shot!

sent on March 28, 2015 (23:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Many thanks Fred! :)
See you soon, Giuseppe.

sent on March 31, 2015 (21:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I really like this vision Sienese night. Hello Raffaele.

sent on March 31, 2015 (22:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Raffaele, I'm glad you did welcome;)

sent on April 02, 2015 (12:16) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful Joseph! If I can give you some advice, next time try increasing the shutter speed, so as to have the effect of moving clouds (I read that you bought the tripod so you should not have too much trouble).
A device of this photo here - let me be rompiballs:-D - could instead be to cut the house in the lower left, but it is pure personal taste, of course.
See you soon! :-)

sent on April 02, 2015 (12:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Nunzio, I thank you for the advice. ;-) In fact, so far I could not grasp this effect you refer just because I had not the tripod. But I think it would be nice. On The Contrary! I'll tell you that I find very nice effect "moving clouds" that you see in your photos of the Duomo of Siena. ;-) So I will try to replicate the first exit with BeFree, increasing shutter speeds without risking any blur.
As for the house, I share. It would have been better without, definitely. But I wanted to compose the scene focusing on the basilica without including too much sky. So in the end even the house in the lower left was inevitably included in the scene.
The only way to remove it would be to kill it before the shot! :-D:-D:-D
In any case, thank you forpassage and wise advice;-)
See you soon,

sent on May 05, 2015 (7:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Joseph,
the photo was to be made by hand is not bad :-), but in hindsight I would have made a different composition:
The subject, for my taste -D, is too central and I would try to decentrarlo, moving it up right. I do not know the place, but I would try to exploit the contrast of light and shadow, between the front of the church (well-lit) and the houses in the foreground, through wider shot that included the buildings in the foreground ;-)
wanting to create a shot Central, I lowered the viewpoint to make sense of "grandeur" of the church and to give greater depth to the scene :-)

hello David

sent on May 05, 2015 (10:39) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello David! I thank you for your observations very interesting! Unfortunately in point shooting did not allow a further lowering of the SLR. I was quite far but I was forced to close the shot because there were too many homes. However I find it interesting to note what you do and you basically right.
Thank you;)
A salutone,

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