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7d mark ii vs d7200

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sent on June 06, 2015 (13:16)

i am thinking of changing from a D7100 TO A Canon 7D MARK2 for the better focus and faster frame rate and bigger Buffer and will get the new 100-400 lens for BIF shots any one got any thoughts on this

sent on June 08, 2015 (15:00)

I Think it's crazy, I mean, you have a lot of good nikon lenses.
With a new 7200 you gain the EXPEED 4 processor instead the 3, then you have a better buffer compared to the 7100.
You also gain a better dynamic range and 1 ISO stop.
I tried it two weeks ago and I was really impressed, trust meSorriso
If I were you I would think about the 7200.


sent on June 08, 2015 (18:18)

I just bought the Canon & 7d Mark2 and the new 100-400mm Canon lens.I have been shooting Canon for about 10years after switching from Nikon.
I only have used this combination for about 4 weeks,I'm still learning the camera but so far I think this a superb combination.
I think the new lens is really awesome for sharpness and usability,close focusing down to 3 feet is a super plus.

I also got lucky when purchasing this combination of this Lens and the 7D Mark2,there was $300 reduction on the lens.

sent on June 12, 2015 (18:12)

thanks guys i have done the deal my mate has the 7Dmark 2 and kills me when we shoot BIF and have never liked the live view on Nikon cameras the Canon kills it now i have to sell some gear

sent on July 18, 2015 (19:16)

i am very happy with my decision to go to Canon this lens was in high demand it was hard to track one down here in Australia one shop in Brisbane had 100 on back order and could not tell me when Canon would supply them i got one in Sydney still waiting on the TC so far sold 3 lens and have every Scammer here down under doing there best to get some free lens with false Paypal A/C i am shore they get some people but not meMrGreen

sent on July 30, 2015 (0:28)

Ultimately it still gets down to the photgrapher. I have photographed with Canon shooters who have the 7d Mark2 one with the 100-400 another with the sigma 150-600 S another with the Tamron 150-600. I shoot full frame with a Nikon D750 and I guarentee I can get as many or more clean in focus shots with 6.5 frames a second as they can no matter what the distance. Faster frame rate does not mean they will be in focus, it still takes skill. I also prefer the color rendition/dynamic range , clean high ISO of this Nikon and the low light focusing abilities are second to none. The D7200 has the same processor. For mine the Nikon Sony sensors are generally better than Canon sensors and image quality to me is paramount even if there are compromises to be made such as the slower frame rate. Of coarse I would not say no to 9-10FPS on my D750 but no camera has everthing no matter what the cost.
As always these things are subjective and whats most important is that you are happy with your decision. See you somewhere around Brisbane/Gold Coast some time.
P.s I was never worried about being out shot for BIF by 7DMar2 even with my D7100 at least not for shots in focus : )

sent on August 03, 2015 (9:03)

Equipment = 30%, Photographer skill = 70%.

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