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The Zeiss ZE/ZF.2 Distagon T* 18mm f/3.5 is a wide-angle lens for FF and APS-C, manufactured from 2009 to 2017 (discontinued). The focus is done by Manual Focus, it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 1400 €;
29 users have given it an average vote of 9.7 out of 10.
This lens is available with the following mounts:
Canon EF: this lens is compatible with reflex fullframe and APS-C Canon EF.
Nikon F: this lens is compatible with reflex fullframe and APS-C Nikon.
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Opinion: My first experiences with Zeiss lenses are with the ones for the Contax cameras. My Sony A7II likes Zeiss lenses. As the prices for the C/Y lenses have risen, I decided to buy the wide angle lenses as ZF.2. The 18mm was my first purchase.
At the begining was not so happy, cause there are not so many situations in which a 18mm lens make sense. This lens does everything that all Zeiss lenses do. It captures the light in the Zeiss typical way.
Once you are in 18mm situation, you can't stop looking through the camera. It's so intense and so different from the normal view, that you are experience the moment in a total different way.
After enjoying this lens, you might think that you need a bigger bag and an additional camera body for the other lenses ...
The following opinions have been automatically translated with Google Translate.
sent on July 03, 2017
Pros:It's a Zeiss! Constructive quality. Image quality. It's a Zeiss! (I already said it?)
Cons:size. F3.5
Opinion:Another big glass of Zeiss home! The constructive quality is what each of us expects when we put our hands on a piece of Carl Zeiss brand. The fluidity of the rings is a reference. Image quality is always at the top. Focusing with such a short focal length and with unobstructed openings is easy and immediate. The size, especially the front (82mm filters) is really impressive and proportionate to the reduced optic length makes it all a bit disproportionate to the sight . This Zeiss has the opposite of the two ring guides and if you have the habit of shooting with manual optics, with this 18mm for the first few days you miss a little time to make friends with the inverted movements.rn the ring, though Very fluid and precise, do not shine for ergonomics. The aperture of the diaphragm is very fine and it is not easy to find it to operate it. The focus ring is also small in size and is so close to the cone formed by the large hood that often fTo lose a few seconds to find it and feel it well between our fingers. The maximum opening of only f3.5 can not be considered a pro and sincerely at least a f2.8 would have been appreciated. Overall I still feel like giving a Rating of 9 points to this gorgeous optics.rnP.S. Important thing: on ff gives you special and interesting perspectives. On APS-C becomes a 27 / 28mm that for street and reportage uses is a jewel! RnMax
Pros:Those who try these lenses is hard to get rid of it. excellent mechanics that is not easily if not in optics of this type
Cons:Slight vignetting at TA easy to fix in post
Opinion:I waited about six months before writing my impressions of this perspective, the photographic performance is at a high level since f4 typical Zeiss unique sharpness of focus, good lines correction, the manual focus is precise and with bright consent it becomes absolutely complicated, for me it is a return to the past and a great help for the mind. Definitely makes some effect the words "made in Japan" But we must acknowledge that the quality and always up to the old (T star) red writing reminds, in the interior excels in sharpness. Neo frequently use the lens hood is not practical to assemble and disassemble, for the lens cover could be done much better. I started to eliminate zoom as 12/24 and 17/40, I think of the 21 (the usual kidney who sacrifices) having already 50 F1.4 and 100 f 2 macros I always go out with these lenses.
Pros:General optical performance very much in line with the blazon. Mechanics highly professional turner, with few equals. Compactness. Calata characteristic of light that often from a value to the images.
Cons:Slight descent of light at full aperture. Barrel correction not up to the old f4.
Opinion:Now sacrificed at the altar of the most expensive 21mm, it has long been my companion found (I had the old f4 attack c / y). Color rendering and no terms of comparison except with optics of the same brand, is characterized by the very special lowered the light to the edges that still appears valuable and characteristic of this perspective. Disappears at f8, at f5.6 is almost imperceptible, but in fact from the images a peculiarity and is fun to play and then be able to choose: often surprises are interesting! Fun but challenging for reportage and useful for scenic effect (it has a lot of effect !!!), to disappoint people like me who thought like the old f4 for his stratospheric lines correction. In this aspect, it remains only in line with the best wide-angle other brands, forcing you to work in pp for architectural photos.
Opinion:I own this perspective a little over a month and I seem to be in line with the usual quality "zeiss". The mechanical construction is that of the old days which ensures enjoyment obtained from the move dials focus and aperture which is certainly not essential for the purpose of photography, but still represents a plus for those who, like me, a photographer since 1969 . The optical performance is excellent Aperture intermediate, less ta. The color rendering is in the usual magnificent zeiss standards. The resistance to the reflections is far superior to 14-24mm Nikon (which I yielded just for the ease to create reflections in conditions of light just difficult).
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