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Viltrox AF 23mm f/1.4 : Specifications and Opinions

Viltrox AF 23mm f/1.4

The Viltrox AF 23mm f/1.4 is a wide-angle lens for APS-C, manufactured from 2019. The focus is done by Stepper Motor, it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 336 €;
18 users have given it an average vote of 9.0 out of 10.

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This lens is available with the following mounts:

Canon EOS M: this lens is compatible with mirrorless APS-C Canon EOS M.

Nikon Z: this lens is compatible with mirrorless APS-C Nikon Z.

Sony E: this lens is compatible with mirrorless APS-C Sony.

Fujifilm X-mount: this lens is compatible with mirrorless APS-C Fuji.

SpecificationsReviewsCompareBuySample Photos

 Focal lenght   23 mm
 Angle of view   63.2°  (equivalent to a 35mm in Fullframe 24x36mm format)
 Format   APS-C
 Max. aperture   f/1.4
 Aperture blades   9
 Lenses/Groups   11 elements in 10 groups
 Min. focus distance   0.30 meters
 Reproduction ratio   0.10x

 Stabilization   No
 Focus   Stepper Motor
 Internal Focus   Yes

 Built and notes
 Tripod ring   No
 Extenders   No
 Filters   52 mm
 Lens hood   Yes, supplied
 Weather sealing   No
 Weight   260 g
 Dimensions   65 x 72 mm


Viltrox AF 23mm f/1.4, buy on Ebay Ebay

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sent on May 04, 2024

Pros: Very sharp in the center, good color rendering (on Nikon Z), bright, presence of aperture ring (9 blades), effective AF, excellent bokeh, good construction and very robust lens hood, USB C socket on the bayonet for firmware update. Economic.

Cons: Rather heavy, smooth, non-lockable aperture ring on A (automatic)

Opinion: Recently purchased for my Nikon Z50 thanks to a promotion, I immediately appreciated this lens for the sharpness of the images in the center, even at full aperture. Good bokeh in the ambient portrait and correct color rendering on Nikon Z. For my use of it, the drop in sharpness at the edges at large apertures and the "purple fringing" present in backlight from f/1.4 to f/1.8 do not represent a serious limitation. Just close down to f/2.0 or 2.8 and almost all problems are solved. The autofocus is accurate and fast on the Nikon. The "declicked" manual aperture is useful when shooting video and when you want to quickly switch between values without having to remember the direction of rotation of the dial on the camera. However, since the lens does not have a ring lock, the risk of accidentally operating it is quite high. Otherwise the lens is solid, with metal bayonet, the lens hood (quality) is included in the package and despite the weight of 300 g (it's a 1.4!) it balances well on the Nikon Z50. I am satisfied with it. Rated 9.5

sent on May 17, 2023

Pros: Well built, solid, manual diaphragms

Cons: Less powerful than the brothers 56 MM f 1.8 and 135 mm f 1.8

Opinion: I like the optics, the price quality ratio is good. Not using AFC but only AFS at the center point I did not detect focus problems. The problem is that at F2 compared to the 23 f2 Fujifilm the second is sharper and is also light, I do not need an F 1.4 on a 23 mm that I do not use absolutely for portraits set, at this point I prefer in all the 23m Fujifilm. I keep it because with the brothers 56 mm and 135 mm its color rendering is more homogeneous and avoids me to correct the colors in post as I have to do if I use the 23 mm Fujifilm and mix images of the same subject made with the 23 mm and 56 mm where the difference in color stamp is visible.

sent on June 22, 2022

Pros: Cost , AF construction

Cons: Cool colors, marked flickering effect.

Opinion: I have owned this lens for about 5 months, used to say the least, let's say that it behaves well in terms of optical quality and does not regret the original Fuji in some respects, but ....... but..... but unfortunately no one talks about it!! or maybe some on youtube, this lens resulting from reverse engineering has an obvious problem according to my point of view. At closed apertures type F8 is evident a very heavy flichering effect to tell the truth even some old Fuji lens was affected but with the various firmware and new bodies has been attenuated, here we are at very serious levels, that is, in exposure preview mode and on single shot the aperture opens when the F1 shutter button is pressed, 4 to make the AF work better, releasing the button returns to F8 but this happens slowly and jerky producing a very evident display flickering effect, apparently it seems uncertain even the exposure reading of the scene. That said in AFC mode the problem seems almost solved and even pressing the only AF button released from the shutter button, I reported the problem to Viltrox even if I seem to hear around that it is a problem already known. Firmware 1.1.4 at the moment the latest, lens replaced under warranty but has the same problem. Very good optical quality, colors tending to cold easily corrected to those who do not bother flickering I can recommend it. Rating 6+

sent on April 11, 2022

Pros: Price, sharpness, construction

Cons: rendering of images on cold shades

Opinion: For the use I make of it we say that I have little to say, the lens is very valid, built well, excellent sharpness and great price. The only cons I can find is the annoying cold dominant that can be seen in the photos. Obviously you can correct it in post-production, or, as I do, adjust a white balance and select it when using this lens. In any case, recommended.

sent on January 14, 2022


Cons: As I photograph nothing negative

Opinion: Having purchased the 56 1.4 from the same brand, and finding myself really satisfied, or wanted to try the 23mm as well, and I am really happy with my choice, fast in focusing, a beautiful construction, very quiet, compared to the original model, excellent hood, then I was also lucky as a gift I also found a neutral filter, which I immediately installed and also a soft case retailer excellent

Photos taken with Viltrox AF 23mm f/1.4

by Giacopa
142 comments, 7997 views  
HI RES 15.6 MP

There are only two of us left
by Coradocon
90 comments, 1025 views  
HI RES 23.0 MP

Camogli Mon Amour
by Coradocon
77 comments, 605 views  
HI RES 25.1 MP

by Giacopa
105 comments, 5905 views  
HI RES 26.0 MP

Camogli-Another perspective
by Coradocon
61 comments, 398 views  
HI RES 24.5 MP

Model by accident
by Coradocon
65 comments, 418 views  
HI RES 22.2 MP


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by Giacopa
134 comments, 4046 views  
HI RES 26.0 MP

There are always three of us............
by Coradocon
37 comments, 461 views  
HI RES 21.3 MP

by Giacopa
49 comments, 1000 views
by Coradocon
47 comments, 522 views  
HI RES 22.8 MP

The old and the new
by Coradocon
44 comments, 346 views  
HI RES 20.6 MP

by Stefano67
14 comments, 1795 views  
HI RES 17.8 MP

by Coradocon
36 comments, 366 views  
HI RES 26.0 MP

Untitled Photo
by Stefano67
1 comments, 2491 views  
HI RES 26.0 MP

by GiadaMeris
7 comments, 791 views  
HI RES 10.8 MP

It was already the hour that the desire turned
by Coradocon
50 comments, 261 views  
HI RES 23.6 MP

An old hospital
by Coradocon
45 comments, 320 views  
HI RES 17.7 MP

The Last Sun
by Coradocon
43 comments, 273 views  

A winter dawn
by Coradocon
40 comments, 243 views  
HI RES 21.0 MP

by Coradocon
35 comments, 228 views  
HI RES 21.6 MP

by GiadaMeris
18 comments, 265 views  

Golden oxbow
by Coradocon
34 comments, 306 views  
HI RES 26.0 MP

by ChiarenzaMarco
13 comments, 1930 views  
HI RES 29.3 MP

If by phone.........
by Coradocon
33 comments, 334 views  
HI RES 14.3 MP

by Franco Bedin
18 comments, 1073 views  

Rosa is beautiful
by Coradocon
18 comments, 187 views  
HI RES 21.7 MP

Do you remember your dreams?
by Stefano67
5 comments, 1356 views  
HI RES 26.0 MP

by Pozandree
2 comments, 7388 views  
HI RES 16.2 MP

In love
by Coradocon
32 comments, 310 views  
HI RES 21.0 MP

"... hides without making disappear".
by matteo_alfa
7 comments, 512 views  
HI RES 26.0 MP

A man with a woman's body.
by Sela69
8 comments, 253 views
B2 hit and sunk
by Coradocon
27 comments, 302 views  
HI RES 18.9 MP

by Stefano67
0 comments, 1036 views  
HI RES 16.9 MP


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by Flafotart
2 comments, 1182 views  
HI RES 24.0 MP

Anna Carlotta
by GiadaMeris
10 comments, 458 views  
HI RES 15.7 MP

by GiadaMeris
4 comments, 413 views  
HI RES 15.7 MP

A run in the mist
by Gundam75
10 comments, 1387 views  
HI RES 15.6 MP

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