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Tamron 24mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M1:2 : Specifications and Opinions

Tamron 24mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M1:2Tamron 24mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M1:2

Tamron 24mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M1:2

Tamron 24mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M1:2

The Tamron 24mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M1:2 is a wide-angle lens for FF and APS-C, manufactured from 2019. The focus is done by Stepper Motor, it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 230 €;
10 users have given it an average vote of 9.6 out of 10.

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This lens is available with the following mounts:

Sony E: this lens is compatible with mirrorless fullframe and APS-C Sony.

SpecificationsReviewsCompareBuySample Photos

 Focal lenght   24 mm
 Angle of view   84°
 Format   FF, APS-C
 Max. aperture   f/2.8
 Aperture blades   7
 Lenses/Groups   10 elements in 9 groups
 Min. focus distance   0.12 meters
 Reproduction ratio   0.50x

 Stabilization   No
 Focus   Stepper Motor
 Internal Focus   Yes

 Built and notes
 Tripod ring   No
 Extenders   No
 Filters   67 mm
 Lens hood   Yes, supplied
 Weather sealing   Yes
 Weight   215 g
 Dimensions   73 x 64 mm


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sent on January 08, 2024

Pros: Price, performance and resolution of sensors with many mpx, compactness, weight.

Cons: None yet.

Opinion: Bought for 215 euros on A. I was hesitant until the last minute due to numerous reviews talking about noisy and poor autofocus. I state that I am not a professional photographer, in my general use and street photo the autofocus is proving to be reliable and quieter than "expected" by some Nostradamus. So a pleasant surprise to find out that it works, and well, or maybe I'm the one who has hearing problems if I don't detect that terrible noise? In continuous Af my specimen goes like a splinter, I don't know who denigrates him where/how he tested this Tamron lens. When I was using Fujifilm, the percentage of in-focus images compared to the wrong ones was much higher, with much more famous lenses. Given the price and the fairly small size, I consider it a valid alternative to lenses of the same focal length of other caliber but much more expensive. From tests done by those who know more than me, I learn that it turns out to solve 60 mpx like only GMs and a few others. Highly recommended.

sent on November 02, 2023

Pros: Minimum focusing distance, sharpness

Cons: Noisy autofocus

Opinion: Nothing to do...... about 2 years ago enticed by the price I had bought the Tamron 35mm f/2.8 that I had put on a Sony A7II, moral of the story returned immediately for the color of the colors, recently I found an opportunity of a Sony A6400 with the 24mm Tamron, here we go again the colors are very artificial, cold and tending to cold blue, Greys are cold tending to ice-coloured. I can't even edit them in Lr or at least I try to, but besides wasting a lot of time it doesn't satisfy me. Take a look at the images in the various galleries and you will immediately notice the colors...... except for some images that were made with certain lights. On the plus side, it's very sharp already at f/2.8, maybe because I tried it on a small format, so it uses only a part of the sensor compared to the full format.

sent on May 14, 2023

Pros: Cost, minimum focus distance, sharpness

Cons: Slow and somewhat noisy autofocus, distortion

Opinion: I bought this lens because I needed to have an intermediate length between my tokina firin 20mm f2 and the Sony 35mm f1.8. I didn't have a very high budget and I researched around. I took the tamron 24mm at 140€ used, in good condition. I must say that I was pleasantly satisfied and the expectations I had, thanks to the reviews of other users, were widely respected. It's a great lens, given the value for money, I don't think you can ask for more from Tamron. The thing that amazed me is the focusing distance, really minimal, which makes it a lens that works curiously well even in macro, at least for my experience. The moles are obviously there. The autofocus is rather slow and in some conditions where responsiveness is required it becomes unusable, it is a bit noisy (which is a problem only for video) and the distortion of the image is quite accentuated. Taking everything into account it is for me promoted with flying colors.

sent on July 18, 2022

Pros: Cost, lightness, general yield, dust resistance and atmospheric agents.

Cons: Distortion

Opinion: Excellent lens, mounted on a7III does not disappoint, AF slightly uncertain on some occasions but absolutely negligible, the same applies to the slightly noisy but not disturbing MAF engine. The general quality of the image is excellent as well as the colors, the distortion is evident, but easily recoverable both in the room and in post production, nothing to envy to more noble lenses. To conclude I would say that, given the quality / price ratio is a slow to have.

sent on September 23, 2021

Pros: lightness, sharpness, price, size, minimum focusing distance, colors

Cons: I struggle to find some

Opinion: I could do copy paste with the one written by Adfpalermo but compared to other lenses more expensive sony I can not make comparisons because I have not tried. I use it on a7c. I am fully satisfied also for the price purchased just over 200 euros used on amazon. it has in my opinion much more character than the 28 sony and a better yield than the 24 1.8 nikon (but here I think it depends a lot on the goodness of the sensor)

Photos taken with Tamron 24mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M1:2

by Coradocon
77 comments, 1658 views  
HI RES 17.8 MP

by Coradocon
81 comments, 1633 views  
HI RES 39.9 MP

And the goslings..........
by Coradocon
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HI RES 17.8 MP

Focaccia thief
by Coradocon
75 comments, 1638 views  
HI RES 17.8 MP

by Gagarose
5 comments, 4639 views
by Gagarose
6 comments, 3413 views
A gloomy day
by Coradocon
58 comments, 1090 views  
HI RES 15.0 MP

In the blue painted blue
by Coradocon
65 comments, 1431 views  
HI RES 32.3 MP


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Love this crazy feeling that............
by Coradocon
42 comments, 741 views  
HI RES 17.8 MP

by Gagarose
6 comments, 3713 views
A Great Truth
by Coradocon
39 comments, 571 views  
HI RES 17.8 MP

Somewhere in Serbia
by Gagarose
12 comments, 1396 views
Soft landing
by Coradocon
65 comments, 834 views  

by Coradocon
35 comments, 520 views  
HI RES 12.8 MP

Almost a light bulb
by Coradocon
49 comments, 687 views  
HI RES 17.8 MP

Sea green
by Coradocon
56 comments, 993 views  
HI RES 31.8 MP

A dip where the water is more 'blue'................
by Coradocon
42 comments, 839 views  
HI RES 31.3 MP

Hymn to light
by Coradocon
48 comments, 602 views  
HI RES 10.6 MP

Casina Vanvitelliana
by Santangelo
29 comments, 662 views  
HI RES 11.4 MP

Clouds in Camogli
by Coradocon
41 comments, 586 views  
HI RES 15.8 MP

Nervi mon amour
by Coradocon
34 comments, 623 views  
HI RES 36.1 MP

A quiet little place
by Coradocon
33 comments, 470 views  
HI RES 40.7 MP

The immensity
by Coradocon
45 comments, 748 views  

Beached dolphins
by Coradocon
19 comments, 457 views  
HI RES 16.9 MP

Faraglioni in Paraggi
by Coradocon
36 comments, 633 views  
HI RES 33.9 MP

A pearl in the middle of the sea
by Santangelo
38 comments, 808 views  
HI RES 22.7 MP

The Burning Castle
by Santangelo
13 comments, 438 views  
HI RES 12.5 MP

A strange light
by Coradocon
19 comments, 371 views  
HI RES 32.0 MP

Untitled Photo
by Ermete Forloni
17 comments, 1059 views  
HI RES 21.9 MP

The bench jumps
by Santangelo
24 comments, 684 views  

Dolphins or Whales ??????????
by Coradocon
20 comments, 446 views  
HI RES 39.2 MP

by Gagarose
5 comments, 1585 views


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Untitled Photo
by Ermete Forloni
12 comments, 884 views  
HI RES 24.0 MP

by Coradocon
10 comments, 338 views  
HI RES 39.4 MP

It is the rain that goes, and the clear returns...........
by Coradocon
26 comments, 585 views  

Opuntia ficus-indica
by Coradocon
20 comments, 265 views  
HI RES 15.3 MP

The macaon in the garden
by MarcoCoppola
15 comments, 305 views  
HI RES 32.7 MP

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