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The Sony E 10-18mm f/4 OSS is a wide-angle lens for APS-C, manufactured from 2012. The focus is done by Stepper Motor, it has image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 695 €;
37 users have given it an average vote of 8.8 out of 10.
This lens is available with the following mounts:
Sony E: this lens is compatible with mirrorless APS-C Sony.
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The following opinions have been automatically translated with Google Translate.
Pros:Lightweight, compact, no distortion (corrected in the room or automatically with normal development SW), stabilization, excellent central sharpness
Cons:absence of tropicalization, price (if purchased at full price)
Opinion:I state that it is my first super wide angle; bought new with a great offer at just over 500 €. I had been doing the mail for a long time but after losing a similar offer I had not found him for less than 650 €. Uncertain between this and the Tamron 11-20 I chose the Sony both for the price and for the combination of compactness and lightness. Now with the 18-135, the 50 f 1.8 and with the Lumix TZ100 h completed my ideal photo kit for travel. I have not yet thoroughly tried the SEL 10-18 but the first impressions (a 50ina of shots) are more than good. Excellent central sharpness with a bit of loss at the extremes but nothing serious. As for the usual talk of distortions and vignetting, the problem does not exist because if you shoot in jpg the correction is automatic in the camera (not deactivable) and if you shoot in RAW, Lightroom has the objective profile and even here the correction is automatic. If you do not own LR, Sony's proprietary software, free, (Imaging Edge) automatically corrects and so does Capture 1 (free Sony); just know how to use the development software and you're done, they do everything themselves. Overall the lens is really fun and allows a remarkable creativity, surely it should be part of the Sony 6XX0 kit. Of course the Tamron is f2.8 but it is not stabilized, so with little light the differences are not so dramatic. EDIT: here is a small gallery of the first photos taken with this lens: https://www.juzaphoto.com/me.php?pg=327269&l=it
Pros:10mm, no distortion, sharpness, stabilization
Cons:very light Aberrations at F4, loss of sharpness between f16 and f22, price
Opinion:I fell in love with this optics for the little I used it. We are talking about an exceptional ultragrandangolo that goes up to 10mm (15mm equivalent on FF), ideal for landscapes and reportage. In the backlight you can make a perfect starlet already at f16 and despite the sharpness goes slightly to be blessed due to refraction, it is really pleasant to use even at these openings. The stabilization combined with the fixed f4 opening makes it perfect even at night, with a safety time of 1/13 (in some situations 1/8 and 1/6 are safely feasible) that allows you to safely make some night skis
Cons:The price, maybe. but in the norm for valid optics.
Opinion:I'm from Nikon and Fuji. I took this lens with a lot of uncertainty, because of the not always positive reviews. I use it on the A6400, especially for photos of landscapes and gives me many satisfactions. In my opinion it has nothing to envy to the peers of fuji and nikon. Very beautiful, saturated and contrasted colors. Sharp enough. I didn't see any particular flare problems. I am fully satisfied with it and I would recommend it.
Pros:Compactness and lightness, unique wide-angle zoom for Sony apsc
Cons:performance not at the height, plastic (but serves to contain weight), never incisive
Opinion:I had two copies, believing that the first had failed by reading here and there the variability of yield that you could face: the second had the same yield.... Quite disappointed, it is an optics with which any diaphragm you get the feeling that it lacks contrast, the file is never really detailed, it lacks crispness. In short, a valid ally but nothing more, because in the end it is a compromise, or rather an athlete who competes alone. At present, for 500euro it may be worth the purchase to be covered where at least two lenses would be needed, thus avoiding continuous optical changes in perhaps windy environments. Pay attention to Amazon, often and willingly reaches the 580euro new sold and shipped by Amazon, but just as often it jumps to 700 or 800euros. Warehouses should also be kept an eye on!
Pros:Lightness and compactness, image quality and fast and precise af.
Cons:Borders and list price.
Opinion:A comfortable optics. Surely it's the adjective that first comes to mind when I think of the 10-18 Sony. Small, very light, it's in your pocket. Before taking it (as new on warehouse at just over 550 euros) I was travelling even lighter with 16-70 and Samyang 12, but it was a continuous optical change, and when you use the filters - adapters is really a break of boxes. So I decided to take this little one that obviously will not replace the Samyang (other thing like general quality and brightness) but it is definitely helping me a lot in the various situations where the 12 mm is too open and serves a few more mm. But even where 12 is too little, because those 2 mm at the bottom are definitely many. The thing that worried me most about this lens was the quality of the image, which instead proves absolutely up to par and well balanced with respect to the type of optics that it is. The aberration is also contained (here it does much better than Sammy). I do not express myself about distortion because I have never understood how to evaluate it and shooting natural landscapes, straight lines I have never seen. After heavy use in my excursions I can point out edges not exactly sharp to all openings. Rating: 8/10
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