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Sigma 300mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM : Specifications and Opinions

Sigma 300mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM

The Sigma 300mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM is a supertele lens for FF and APS-C, manufactured from 2005 to 2017 (discontinued). The focus is done by Ultrasonic AF Motor (Ring-USM), it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 3368 €;
13 users have given it an average vote of 9.3 out of 10.

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 Focal lenght   300 mm
 Angle of view   8.3°
 Format   FF, APS-C
 Max. aperture   f/2.8
 Aperture blades   9
 Lenses/Groups   11 elements in 9 groups
 Min. focus distance   2.50 meters
 Reproduction ratio   0.13x

 Stabilization   No
 Focus   Ultrasonic AF Motor (Ring-USM)
 Internal Focus   Yes

 Built and notes
 Tripod ring   Yes
 Extenders   Yes
 Filters   46 mm
 Lens hood   Yes, supplied
 Weather sealing   No
 Weight   2390 g
 Dimensions   119 x 213 mm


Sigma 300mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM, buy on Ebay Ebay

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sent on December 15, 2016

Pros: Robustessa, sharpness, autofocus good speed. Mechanism of insertion / removal of the tripod bracket very well done. Purchased used is the real deal.

Cons: Hood a bit 'cumbersome, Stafa inadequate tripod to size. Mine was not perfectly calibrated like autofocus but the assitance Sigma is excellent and gave me back a jewel.

Opinion: The lens is great, sharp and the quality of the products shots is high. The autofocus is satisfaction, fast and quiet and overall we can work well freehand: the weight is not quite negligible but the size and balance make it very manageable in the pan. Comes easily, in a medium backpack and does not create too many problems for the trasporto.rnNon would purchase it again given the sharp depreciation that suffers, but a good used retains its value over time and allows you to have a high-level lens at a cost medium tool. I've protected with a neoprene cover Photography Outdoor Gear on less than € 40 to compensate for the lack of weather sealing.

sent on March 09, 2014

Pros: Sharpness, cost (used) f, duplicator with good yield, weight

Cons: Lack limiter f, tripod socket ridiculous lack of hooks for the shoulder strap

Opinion: Great lens by good sharpness. Smooth, fast and accurate autofocus, shame about the lack of the limiter, it would have been even more powerful. Makes good with 1.4x tc, with the 2x (version dg sigma) is close to 2 stops, but it is widely used up to 800 ISO (aps-c). If the 1 .4 x with good light is still manageable by hand, with the 2x af slows down enough and need the support of a monopod or fortune, useful full time manual focus to facilitate the attachment of a soggetto.rnDopo little 'practice you get used to the weight and swing the fly is not complicato.rnMolto inconvenient to carry on the shoulder bracket ridiculous and the lack of buckles for a cinghia.rnSe found used in good condition is a great deal! rnVoto 9 .

sent on November 10, 2013

Pros: rn price, weight, fast and accurate autofocus, versatile almost 3 ED una.rnrn

Cons: I can not find, but for some perhaps the stabilizer is a Must.

Opinion: I am a happy owner of this lens, bright, a little heavy and goes to God with 1.4x TC e2x! Recommended for those who practice sports or nature photography almost 3 lenses on a FX we have multiplied (420.600 mm) and right (630.900 mm). Great auto focus, precise and very quiet with just under € 3000 I think is a very good investment, I suggest you invest in a (cover Lens Coat) with about 90 € protect the lens from moisture or dust, etc. seen that it is not sealed and not we will have problems in the future

sent on August 08, 2013

Pros: lightweight, fast and accurate AF and silent. image quality. build quality. price

Cons: no one

Opinion: I own this lens for a long time and I am fully satisfied. excellent alternative to canon if it is not considered essential to the stabilization system. My copy is already sharp, f2.8, f4 from onwards is great. blurred very pleasant. much lighter and easy to handle big brother canon. also recommended to those who do photo hunting. used with great satisfaction both with canon sigma sigma 2x 1.4x with that

Photos taken with Sigma 300mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM

by Andrea22
41 comments, 4867 views
by Andrea22
42 comments, 3809 views
Torpedo position
by Mirco Z
40 comments, 4586 views
by Ciceri Roberto
27 comments, 1118 views  
HI RES 11.6 MP

It is not the first time that the President of the State has been able to
by Ciceri Roberto
25 comments, 1466 views
With the prey
by Ciceri Roberto
24 comments, 2458 views
Bearded Tit
by Ciceri Roberto
23 comments, 2231 views  
HI RES 11.9 MP

The place is miooo !!!
by Ciceri Roberto
27 comments, 3168 views  
HI RES 17.2 MP


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Owl on the way..
by Ciceri Roberto
19 comments, 1462 views  
HI RES 11.6 MP

by Simone Pioli
35 comments, 1871 views
by Ciceri Roberto
31 comments, 1891 views  
HI RES 15.0 MP

Honey buzzard
by Ciceri Roberto
23 comments, 2549 views
by Vanni Ambrosini
18 comments, 1937 views
The prey to the nest
by Mirco Z
27 comments, 2882 views
Peaks muraiolo
by Ciceri Roberto
12 comments, 1947 views  
HI RES 15.6 MP

by Mirco Z
20 comments, 3055 views
Cue the Dipper
by Matteo Leonardi
22 comments, 1865 views  

by Umberto Perazzolo
13 comments, 1948 views
by Fex
23 comments, 3669 views
by Vanni Ambrosini
18 comments, 1799 views
Young Hoopoe
by Matteo Leonardi
14 comments, 1262 views
Shades of red... Cruises
by Ciceri Roberto
15 comments, 637 views  
HI RES 11.6 MP

I'll rip your feathers!!
by Ciceri Roberto
19 comments, 1033 views
by Vanni Ambrosini
14 comments, 1422 views
Partridge of the sea with prey..
by Ciceri Roberto
22 comments, 1518 views
by Ciceri Roberto
10 comments, 1204 views
by Ciceri Roberto
17 comments, 504 views  

Fighting between cinciallegre ..
by Ciceri Roberto
11 comments, 1137 views
Between the trees
by Mirco Z
28 comments, 2475 views
by Ciceri Roberto
13 comments, 1514 views
Untitled Photo
by Massimo Alviani
17 comments, 2179 views
In the stream..
by Ciceri Roberto
13 comments, 480 views  
HI RES 11.6 MP

With the prey..
by Ciceri Roberto
12 comments, 930 views
Alpine finch
by Ciceri Roberto
11 comments, 728 views


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by Ciceri Roberto
13 comments, 1313 views  
HI RES 24.3 MP

Black Yellowhammer..
by Ciceri Roberto
9 comments, 857 views
by Vanni Ambrosini
10 comments, 1438 views

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