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The Pentax K-1 Mark II is a reflex camera with FF (1.0x) sensor and 36.4 megapixels manufactured from 2018. The range of sensitivities, including ISO extension, is 100 - 819200 ISO and it has a continuous shooting (burst mode) of 4.4 FPS x 17 RAW, 70 JPEG. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 1600 €;
45 users have given it an average vote of 9.6 out of 10
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Pros:All the PROs of the K1 with a viewfinder that I find more vivid, bright and a more responsive AF.
Cons:Improvement of Live View AF in dynamic contexts compared to the K1 but still with room for implementation. The only downside is the absence of the focus point selector on the handle.
Opinion:Albertoscaccia, in his 2018 review, wrote: "Photographing by candlelight at night and being able not to throw away a single shot: this is k1" and even today it is impossible to blame him. So I started the review of the K1 a few years ago and it is a very correct premise for the K1 II. Outwardly it is identical to the first series and in fact the differences are in the heart of the camera, that is the presence of an acceleration unit that allows you to have a more prompt response than the autofocus and this, for those who have always used Pentax and especially the K1, is perceived from the first shot. A second difference, albeit minimal, is given by the RAW files that have a greater incisiveness, a more present "crunchiness" and this can also be seen in the digital noise which is slightly more marked but still non-existent or easily eliminated already in Camera RAW with ISO up to 25600 while being able to obtain more than valid high-format prints. These aspects, however, are noticed by those who have always used the K1 and that in any case are not evident unless you want to take out each MP from the sensor and zoom in strong crop. In a nutshell, a camera, the Pentax K1 II, which dialogues perfectly with its ecosystem of dedicated lenses and accessories developed for advanced amateurs and professionals who are looking for uncompromising quality, materials built and assembled with care and attention. Landscape architects, wedding photographers, astrophotography and event experts who have used or use these tools know that in Pentax those looking for substance, quality and that feeling of robustness and solidity feel at home knowing at the same time that they have in their hands a product that allows them to be used and shaped around their needs to always be able to take home "the shot". Good Light to all
Pros:Ability to withstand high ISO, 2 rings plus a third even if less immediate, adjustable screen, stabilized sensor, tropicalized.
Cons:Some types of lenses for Pentax FF are not currently produced and are difficult to find in used, for those looking for a camera with very responsive autofocus is not the right machine.
Opinion:Taken in August 2018 to replace the K20D as my main machine I find it excellent, it holds up very well at high ISO also thanks to the noise reduction on the RAW that some do not like but I find it very useful, in addition to the double ring that I already had on the K20D also has a third ring where you can put various adjustments based on a nearby wheel, it is not immediate like the classic rings but still allows you to change some settings quickly enough, I often put it on ISO but it is also convenient to do some things without entering the menu, the photos I almost always do as a viewfinder but in certain situations such as photographs razor ground with wet ground or directly above the water it is really convenient to have the adjustable screen that I previously did not have. It also has the possibility of APSC cropping (in which a frame also appears in the viewfinder to signal the shooting area) which is convenient when I use it with lenses built for this format and that do not cover beyond (sometimes I happen to use it with some of these I try to still have a few more megapixels than the K20D but above all it is much higher ISO side) making light files since they consider only the area of the APSC format and therefore they take up little space, the autofocus is not very fast but unlike that of the K20D it is precise.
Cons:Stuck in terms of technological evolution (damn Ricoh!)
Opinion:I have owned this beast for almost two years and before reviewing it I wanted to test it over time. It really has everything a professional could want for shots worthy of reproduction and/or print. Quality and robustness are the fixed cornerstones of this machine. I will not dwell on the qualities tout court that I have been presumed to be clear to many (at least to those who own it or have possessed it). It is an old-fashioned SLR and therefore the precautions, progress and speeds that are found today on mirrorless here are very distant. Not evolving and not keeping up with it, it is obvious that with these devices you go back a little "back" in time and you have to work with more "diluted" times (which is not necessarily a bad thing). It's certainly not a product for quick action shots or sports. Accessories and anything else are VERY difficult to find on the market so much so that many brands have also stopped producing for Pentax. On the other hand, on the used lenses, there is enough material even if often dated lenses but qualitatively valid. Removed these things, if you really want to take beautiful photos, with dynamic range, color and b / w almost worthy of medium format, I can only recommend it.
Pros:"All" what was superlative that there was already on the first version (so the dynamic range already absurd etc etc etc) helped by a co-processor that makes it even more impressive in the dark.
Cons:Firstly... They do not seem to want to give her a worthy heir .... + obviously, it brings with it the defects of the first version that needed to be improved, but Nada.
Opinion:What do I have to say... I had it for about a year after the "Mark 1" and then burned it completely (mea culpa). The CO-processor added in this version, makes it even more impressive bringing the already absurd ability to open the shadows of the first version (sensor of the Nikon D810) to a level of perfection almost if not equal to some Medium Format ... Am I talking nonsense? TRY it and you will understand that to reach it you are forced to switch to the new Mirrorless "Stacked". That's the point... Did it have flaws? Yes many: the autofocus is a hair better than the first but nothing striking, the improved Pixel Shift is always a non-professional function, the video quality always pitiful (but she is a CAMERA "MALE", PERIOD). So why so much BITTERNESS? Make a SLR that sees almost in total darkness, five or six years before the competition, stabilize it mechanically on 5 axes before Sony, Canon, Nikon ekkicavolo you want with ASTROTRACKER INCLUDED IN THE CAR, put everything in a backlit body to work in the dark in a body proof of hand grenades and give it the opportunity to mount all the cabbage of optics you want from fifty years to today. Then FORGET IT... as if it was worth nothing LET EVERYONE ELSE REACH YOU, like a formula one that dominated throughout the race and then suddenly decides to return to the pits on the last lap .... for no reason...
Pros:Robust, tropicalized like all current Pentax, held at high ISO, convenience of use ( 3rd ring), double tab, menu, white balance, pixel shift, PRICE.
Cons:For me nothing for the use I make of it.
Opinion:I've been using it for a year with considerable satisfaction. I come from Pentax to film MX and LX and K10 digital that I still use with satisfaction. The choice at the time to buy a Pentax was given by the possibility of a very large and affordable optical park of competition that gave me the opportunity to experiment with various types of shooting, preferring in the end wide-angle optics. I find it very convenient to change the basic parameters directly in the car both before and after shooting, I practically no longer use Photoshop or the dedicated program, and the ability to download photos directly to the mobile phone via special APP. Exceptional dynamic range. JPG always great. With all the main settings at your fingertips, made the first settings, you can forget about the menu, otherwise simple and intuitive. Very useful lights that illuminate the buttons in night use and the monitor that tilts always stays in axis with the lens. Found new on offer at 1600 Euros, it offers in my opinion features of machines costing much higher. The weight is not indifferent, but with the lens 24-70 f2.8 is very balanced. The possibility of using the old and excellent Pentax optics, and I have several, I find it unparalleled (thanks Pentax). The handle is not the best for my hands (better the K10), but made the habit it flies over and never falls from the hands. One of the often negative notes I read on various social media is the limited number of focus points, but I remember that Pentax in general and K1 in particular, are not designed for sports photography but for a somewhat ancient way of photographing, meditating and studied. In my case I always use spot focus, fast and precise, recomposing the framing later. I don't do videos so the fact that it's not 4K doesn't touch me, although for some types of shooting this mode is available. The possibilities of white balance go beyond my expectations. In conclusion, he does not lack anything to make beautiful photos, indeed.... We waited a bit for this Full Frame, but it was worth it. THE TIP TO ALL, THANK YOU PENTAX (vote 10)
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