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We walk by Vanhalex96 comments, 21104 views HI RES 5.5 MP A pair of evil by Lazzaro42 comments, 9209 views HI RES 4.3 MP Winter silence - Eastern Carnic Alps by Roberto Degli Uomini61 comments, 3527 views HI RES 4.7 MP Thunderstorm Wind by Lazzaro48 comments, 4933 views Mistic by Lazzaro32 comments, 8517 views June ... by Fascione28 comments, 6174 views A blanket for the winter by Lazzaro24 comments, 6281 views The bridge Calamone by Lazzaro15 comments, 8926 views Magica Val Saisera - Julian Alps - Italy by Roberto Degli Uomini53 comments, 2483 views HI RES 17.9 MP Peace by Roberto Degli Uomini32 comments, 3133 views HI RES 6.8 MP Val Saisera - Julian Alps - Italy by Roberto Degli Uomini33 comments, 1671 views HI RES 6.0 MP September by Lazzaro25 comments, 3812 views HI RES 5.9 MP Permission ... by Lazzaro19 comments, 5917 views Colored Avenue by Vanhalex20 comments, 4852 views HI RES 4.3 MP Happy to be wheat by Lazzaro25 comments, 2828 views HI RES 15.2 MP "No Africa" ??Apennines (pr) by Lazzaro16 comments, 4342 views Tarvisio Forest - Julian Alps - Italy by Roberto Degli Uomini37 comments, 2470 views HI RES 6.0 MP Sweet dreams ... by Lazzaro14 comments, 3865 views Us...... by Carlo Marchese43 comments, 2318 views HI RES 5.9 MP A window on the Pale by Lazzaro11 comments, 5000 views Autumn by Japandrea55 comments, 561 views HI RES 18.1 MP Young Natrix by Esse9 comments, 819 views HI RES 16.7 MP Rosengarten by Lazzaro13 comments, 3208 views Val Venegia by Beppe Cavalleri9 comments, 4981 views Paddies, today _1 by Vittorio Fracassi34 comments, 2761 views St. Mark's Square and its ghosts by Japandrea49 comments, 927 views HI RES 14.2 MP So unexpected, street by Vittorio Fracassi23 comments, 4467 views Walking in autumn by Lazzaro9 comments, 3451 views Enchanted Forest ... by Lazzaro10 comments, 3014 views Sociability by Carlo Marchese41 comments, 2627 views HI RES 5.6 MP Spring Waterfalls by Lazzaro13 comments, 1934 views HI RES 7.7 MP Monte Cocco - Eastern Carnic Alps by Roberto Degli Uomini24 comments, 1045 views HI RES 6.0 MP In the storm by Lazzaro9 comments, 3226 views First snow in Monteluco (Siena) by Sanmattei12 comments, 1203 views Abbey of San Galgano - Tuscany - Italy by Roberto Degli Uomini36 comments, 1959 views HI RES 17.3 MP Autumn colors - Julian Alps - Italy by Roberto Degli Uomini12 comments, 999 views HI RES 17.9 MP Torrente (parma) by Lazzaro7 comments, 3212 views HI RES 12.1 MP |
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