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Nikon D3x : Specifications and Opinions

Nikon D3x

The Nikon D3x is a reflex camera with FF (1.0x) sensor and 24.5 megapixels manufactured from 2008 to 2012 (discontinued). The range of sensitivities, including ISO extension, is 50 - 6400 ISO and it has a continuous shooting (burst mode) of 5 FPS x 15 RAW / 130 JPEG. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 6300 €;
55 users have given it an average vote of 9.8 out of 10

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 Format   Fullframe, 36 x 24 mm (image ratio 3:2, crop factor 1.0x in comparison with FF)
 Resolution   24.5 megapixel (pixel pitch 5.95 μm)
 ISO sensitivities   50 - 6400
 File formats   RAW, JPEG

 Shutter speeds   30" - 1/8000
 Exp. compensation   +/- 5 stops at 1/2 steps
 Exp. modes   P, S, A, M
 Metering modes   Multi-Area, Semi-Spot, Spot

 Mount   Nikon F (click here to view all compatible lenses)
 Stabilization   No
 Autofocus (AF areas)   51
 Continuos shooting   5 FPS x 15 RAW / 130 JPEG
 Pre-Burst   No
 Live View   Yes
 MLU/SS   Yes, Mirrok Lock Up
 Video mode   No
 WiFi   No
 GPS   No

 Camera body and built
 Touchscreen   No
 LCD   3.0", 640 x 480 pixels, fixed
 Viewfinder   Optical, coverage 100%, 0.70x
 Flash   No
 Storage   CF
 Storage, Slot 2   CF
 Battery   Nikon EN-EL4a, 27.19 Wh
 Weather sealing   Yes
 Weight   1260 g
 Dimensions   160 x 157 x 88 mm


Nikon D3x, buy on Ebay Ebay

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sent on November 24, 2024

Pros: Professional and indestructible

Cons: Too many mpx for a 2008 project. Better D3 / D3s

Opinion: Exceptional machine to say the least! It performs great in all vampires except sports and birdlife where the two D3 / D3s sisters are much better! Tropicalized, beautiful and almost impossible to find today! At the time Niko. He thought of increasing the mpx and lowering the iso and fps hold. Machine dedicated to landscape painters, studio photos and portraits/architecture. Personally, as a general balance, I prefer the D3 and the D3s. To date, if you happen to have one well kept at an honest price, I highly recommend buying it!

sent on May 27, 2024

Pros: All

Cons: No one except that when I'm walking around with D3x and nikon 24/70 f2:8 everyone looks at me in a weird way... Not even if I were McCurry

Opinion: Taken a year ago I find it the definitive camera (x as a photographer I don't do bursts... No birdlife... No sport... It's a pleasure to hold it in your hand... beautiful... Massive... It exudes robustness from every side you look at... I'm not interested in Fotoshop or Pro programs for PP... I photograph like when there were the dia... One click and go... and fantastic files with great cropping possibilities

sent on December 09, 2022

Pros: Machine body PRO

Cons: All if we consider the technological gap to 2022

Opinion: If you buy a D3x in 2022 it is because you are not really interested in all the good of God that can be found on the latest SLR and ML to current technology, you buy a pro, ergonomic camera body that churns out very workable raw files of excellent quality (in raw 14bit uncompressed are 50Mb per file); Regarding the nominal ISO at 1600 are not so poor as I read on the net but for the high ISO I rely on the twin D3S to which I could not reunite regarding the noise tightness (especially chromatic) even today; That said I found it at € 600 with 100 thousand shots, at this price I did not think too much.

sent on December 04, 2022

Pros: Super photos, a tank, focus almost always accurate, great colors and more than enough resolution

Cons: Lack of flash (whatever they say... sometimes you need), poorly defined LCD screen and colors off (but I lose it since it is now 15/16 years old)

Opinion: Taken alongside my D810 even if I did not really need it because this goes from god, I immediately found myself at ease despite the imposing bulk compared to the not small D810. I've had it for a month and it looks new, it has very few shots, less than 10 thousand and it is complete with everything. As a photographer I do not notice great differences between the two cameras as a final result, one is worth the other. The difference lies in the date, modern the D810, obsolete the D3x (screen, memory cards, few iso, maybe the lowest resolution, batteries, keys set differently etc. etc.) but perhaps this is its beauty.

sent on February 08, 2020

Pros: Great files. Balanced in weight shapes and distribution.

Cons: Nothing

Opinion: Taken to replace the D750 with which I never had a feeling. With the D3x it was love at first sight. Mine has 30,000 shots. Perfect in everything but has a dot in the sensor that you can not remove. Patience. I told myself... and if I had the dirty sensor... what would I do? Lighroom was the tisposta. And I keep taking pictures. I would never, ever sell it. . Beautiful reflex that I use with 28-70 f/2.8 (nice pesantuccio...) sixe D and the brother is 70-200 D f/2.8..satisfied

Photos taken with Nikon D3x

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