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The Nikon AF-S 500mm f/4 D ED II is a supertele lens for FF and APS-C, manufactured from 2001 to 2007 (discontinued). The focus is done by Ultrasonic AF Motor (Ring-USM), it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 8500 €;
10 users have given it an average vote of 10.0 out of 10.
This lens is available with the following mounts:
Nikon F: this lens is compatible with reflex fullframe and APS-C Nikon.
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The following opinions have been automatically translated with Google Translate.
Pros:Sharpness already at f4, speed and precision af, bokeh
Opinion:After several tribulations I decided to support the 200-500 and the 300 f4 pf this incredible goal. A f4 is as sharp as the 200-500 to f8, a crazy autofocus speed, not to mention the blurry front and second floor. In short, not that you do not make the photos with 200-500 or 300f4 (with and without tc1.4) but the 500 has something magical. There are goals with magic inside, that if you don't try them you can't even explain the differences. Its only limit, but not for the use for which it is born, an exaggerated weight that forces you to keep it on the stand or to make just a few freehand shots. It's a professional lens, from a shed stakeout. Another wonder is the use in combination with tc 1.4. Shots at 700mm at f5.6 with disarming sharpness. 10, the top.
Pros:Sharpness, contrast and excellent bokeh. Lightning-fast and silent autofocus. build quality. collar for well-sized tripod and well challenged when used as a carrying handle.
Cons:Availability, lens hood exaggerated.
Opinion:This lens is a spectacle sublime build quality, excellent image quality, perhaps the biggest lens used (with training) with hand-held tilt; works fine with multipliers (personally I use almost exclusively matnetere 1.4 for the highest possible quality); I do not like too much the VR, the price to pay in my opinion is not worth the benefit obtained and then if the use is mainly with beans bag, tripod or monopod, if they can do without. Absolutely be protected with neoprene covers for use in the shed because, given the size, you may accidentally scratch the barrel. The lens hood is really exaggerated size, even with camo cover is impossible not to notice, it becomes almost a telescope ... rnrn
Pros:Sharpness, weight (3,430g), AF lightning, maf 4,4m.
Cons:Availability, price.
Opinion:I noticed inconsistencies in the optical characteristics described above, in fact the weight of optics is equal to 3430g instead of 3800g, and also the minimum focus distance is 4,4m in MF, and 4.6m in AF instead 5m.rnPossiedo just this slow, and perhaps it is a bit 'too early to make a review, but for now I want to express my first impressions, and then, later, if we need more and more. Lens really hard to find, and I guess you know why. Despite his age, the resale value is still quite high, but completely justified as the quality of the optics. Actually it turns out to be the sharper of the later models that differ only in the VR. The only "against" is precisely the lack of VR which is not a problem, given that this is a view to be used mainly on tripods and dall'appostamento, but wanting & egravis; can also be used freehand .... rnto be continued ....
Pros:Sharpness, size, weight, lack of VR, balancing brightness.
Cons:Availability, cost, long hood.
Opinion:An optical by excellent quality and undisputed, many say it is one of the best optical Nikon created as super telephoto lens, even sharper optics that happens to this only implemented the VR; in my opinion the perfect optical fauna. Excellent with the Nikon TC-1.4 II home does not feel and do not see any difference, I would say great reeds with TC-II 1.7, and instead lose sharpness and speed as AF, but always good result (for a focal length of 1000 be content) .rnMentre negative is with the new TC-1.4 III Nikon, the latter does not work with this version is tested with the D3s that with the D750 (I'll do some research and some more proof) .rnDalle my tests field so far I can tell you that with this in mind I get better results with the D3s that D750.rnCon with this view does not feel the lack of VR, above 1/2000 all is well even freehand there are problems, very balanced and fairly compact, stand on this point is a regina.rnVi I can say it hereIt is nowhere to be found and if you find it also costs much used but the yield is very good, if you are seeking long perspective and with a good yield is for you. rn
Pros:Sharpness (also with 1.4x and 1.7x), balance of the lens by hand, AF speed, price compared with the 500 f / 4 VR used.
Cons:Lack VR
Opinion:One senses immediately the optimum balance of the lens, using freehand is a virtue not just! Weighs exactly like the Canon 500 f / 4 is (optical I've had in the past) but Nikon seems much leggero.rnIl weight is always subjective, after years of 500/600 and 400 is 2.8 is I can safely say that the 500 F / 4 Nikon weighs "just" ;-). RNLA sharpness is excellent and can be multiplied or semi-duplicate (1.7x), I'll have to test even with the 2x but will definitely an emergency solution. Goes great on a body demanding as the D800, the detail is impressive even with 1.7x and DX mode 15 mpx.rnL'assenza of VR is not a serious lack, in the Canon disattivavo always on tripod and hand pounds .. .so I do not create big problems! rnih final lens is a great ... if the old Nikon lenses are so sharp I'll have to take by force even the 300 2.8 ED II! rn
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