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The Nikon AF 180mm f/2.8 D ED IF is a tele lens for FF and APS-C, manufactured from 1993 to 2020 (discontinued). The focus is done by In-camera AF motor, it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 1020 €;
100 users have given it an average vote of 9.6 out of 10.
This lens is available with the following mounts:
Nikon F: this lens is compatible with reflex fullframe and APS-C Nikon.
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Opinion: I bought this on two occasions and to be honest i was dissapointed both times .
As the old saying goes .It's very difficult to seperate fact from foclore and when you use this lens it becomes easier to seperate .As it is one of the most dissapointing lenses ive ever used and ive had them all.The only upside is sellinf the folklore lens is so easy but selling the fact lens is a no go.
Pros: Looks cool to impress people who are around you, especially with a big Nikon body like F5 etc.
Cons: Too long too slow and too heavy to be used effectively, unless you have a stabilized body, which I think Nikon does not make!
Opinion: I had this lens in my earlier life of film era photographer. In that era it was already only decent in sharpness. It was actually quite soft close and wide open. Too soft by today's standards. Today it is a nice retro gadget but I would always use a modern sharper lens with OIS (or a body with IBIS, but Nikon has no body stabilisation even today, I think). I would not buy this lens again.
Pros: Mechanical quality;outstanding sharpness;very pleasant blur and bokeh at all apertures;lightweight,but sturdy at the same time;it brings very pleasant feeling when held! I haven't noticed any chromatic aberration as some people are stating here since there is nearly none!
Cons: AF could be a little be faster but open wide it performs excellently anyway!
Opinion: It is Nikon's 'Old Line' glass what could be kept with respect and valued as a treasure 'cose it is!
For those who complain about chromatic aberration I'd advice to visit an oculist! Just get one reflex lens and you will know what does chromatic aberration means! With 180 mm there is nearly nothing from it!
Noisy autofocus? Hey,people! It s absurd statement! Do you consider yourself as a photographers or sound engineers?! If so invest a bit of money and compare some Nikkor or third party lenses or - just put your cameras aside and switch to sound engineering industry,please!
This is a piece of glass what even high class photographers are proud to have! Though - it is matter of taste!
The following opinions have been automatically translated with Google Translate.
Cons:Put all the pros together and then see if you can find a Cons...
Opinion:Bought new exactly thirty years ago, it lived mounted in front of analog SLR ladies and several digital cameras. It still manages to surprise me, once mounted on the body I know that the photo will always come out sharp. Small, very light, bright, always sharp, impeccably built. It has no internal MAF and stabilizer, but Holy Heavens! Eight ounces of glass and metal and today you find it used at ridiculous prices. VOTE 10.
Cons:It is an AF, but it is a search for the hair in the egg.
Opinion:This lens is a true masterpiece. Unsurpassed for the TA yield, the maneuverability that make it suitable for multiple uses in low light conditions. A real shame that Nikon has ceased to produce it. Do not listen to those who say that Nikon lenses a bit 'dated do not make with the most modern sensors: surely it is not true for this lens (I use it on D810 and D850).
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