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Fujifilm XC 35mm f/2 : Specifications and Opinions

Fujifilm XC 35mm f/2Fujifilm XC 35mm f/2

Fujifilm XC 35mm f/2

Fujifilm XC 35mm f/2

The Fujifilm XC 35mm f/2 is a standard lens for APS-C, manufactured from 2020. The focus is done by Stepper Motor, it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 200 €;
19 users have given it an average vote of 9.7 out of 10.

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This lens is available with the following mounts:

Fujifilm X-mount: this lens is compatible with mirrorless APS-C Fuji.

SpecificationsReviewsCompareBuySample Photos

 Focal lenght   35 mm
 Angle of view   44°  (equivalent to a 53mm in Fullframe 24x36mm format)
 Format   APS-C
 Max. aperture   f/2
 Aperture blades   9
 Lenses/Groups   9 elements in 6 groups
 Min. focus distance   0.35 meters
 Reproduction ratio   0.14x

 Stabilization   No
 Focus   Stepper Motor
 Internal Focus   Yes

 Built and notes
 Tripod ring   No
 Extenders   No
 Filters   43 mm
 Lens hood   Yes (not supplied)
 Weather sealing   No
 Weight   130 g
 Dimensions   58 x 46 mm


Fujifilm XC 35mm f/2, buy on Ebay Ebay

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sent on December 06, 2024

Pros: leggero, nitido, sopratutto costa poco.

Cons: niente

Opinion: Per il prezzo che ha, non ha nessun difetto. Sopratutto e molto nitido, e non ingombrante. Certo, è di plastica, e poi se fosse stato 'WR' sarebbe stato meglio, ma del resto esiste anche il più costoso 35mm 'WR'. Questo l'ho comprato nuovo per 190 euro! Su una 'vecchia' X-M1, che usavo con la lente del kit, l' XC16-50mm (OIS, I serie), me l'ha fatta rinascere, rendendomela ancora più portabile e producendo sopratutto ottime foto. Lo utilizzo anche con una X-H1, e anche qui funziona perfettamente. Non ho nessuna intenzione di separarmene, me lo tengo assolutamente.

Google Translate  The following opinions have been automatically translated with Google Translate.

sent on November 22, 2023

Pros: Sharp, precise, sharp

Cons: nothing

Opinion: It costs €200 or less; It amazed me. I took it to mount on my XT30 for the street and it amazed me with its definition and incisiveness. Even for landscape photography (despite being a 50), in particular naturalistic, it returns really intense and beautiful colors, as well as real. The size is minimal, not pankake, but it still allows me to keep my XT30 in the pocket of a winter jacket. The construction is certainly not enviable, but for the price I don't think you can expect more. I'm thrilled about it.

sent on April 01, 2023

Pros: Sharp

Cons: Nobody

Opinion: The only thing we can say about this lens is that there is no quality price either. For no one the difference from his brother is that he does not have the rings you control everything from the car speed af excellent I made close-ups of both flowers and people and landscape that makes you amaze for the lens that is I use it with an xt3

sent on December 29, 2021

Pros: Nididezza, Af, lightness, compactness.

Cons: Strange hood, ignorant cap

Opinion: I have been using it for almost a year now and I can have my say. Lightweight to keep in your pocket, always. Sharpness that looks like a ballistic missile, almost no distortion, returns very faithful colors, suitable for portraits and for street but also gives excellent satisfactions in other areas. Nice bokeh but that's not why you decide to take this lens. Together with its older brothers the 50 F2 and the 90 F2 I think is the perfect triad. The construction is made of plastic, but it would not weigh 200gr if it were different, it does not have the diaphragm ring and it's fine, you use the ring in the car. I use it mainly on xs10 while on Xt4 I use the 90 this because it would not make sense to use it on a tropicalized body, for that there is the xf version. In my opinion the value for money is really high. It has an Af that hooks the subject in a lightning-fast, impeccable way and the images it returns are really beautiful. Gorgeous, recommended, highly recommended.

sent on June 18, 2021

Pros: Sharpness, size, autofocus, price.

Cons: If I really have to say one I say construction

Opinion: I use it on the X-T200 and I don't take it off anymore. Exceptional clarity, fast and effective autofocus. light. For less than 200 it is a lens with an exceptional value for money... The 35 mm on Apsc (I had previously a Nikon d5200) was a focal with which the feeling had not snapped; with this lens I feel like I have "been reborn" from a photographic point of view. My first (almost) fuji house handyman. Very happy with the purchase. The over-advice

Photos taken with Fujifilm XC 35mm f/2

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