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Magic light by Carlo Bassi414 comments, 38494 views Sunrise on the Adriatic by Carlo Bassi262 comments, 33207 views Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) by Pallotta Luigi243 comments, 46797 views Sunrise and its reflection by Carlo Bassi308 comments, 26941 views Sudden death by Grzehoofr77 comments, 26014 views Comacchio by Carlo Bassi188 comments, 27616 views Thirsty and angry by Grzehoofr87 comments, 44396 views Orchid mantis by Mr Bridge87 comments, 20071 views HI RES 4.2 MP Crimson sky by Ulysseita76 comments, 22218 views Furious eyes by Grzehoofr88 comments, 34743 views I never find the lighter! by Jooferr123 comments, 13400 views The plum blossom by Carlo Bassi217 comments, 22901 views HI RES 4.5 MP Among the clouds - International FMX Freestyle Team by Carlo Bassi141 comments, 20414 views OOOo by Grzehoofr74 comments, 31555 views Reflections in high Water by Giammarcoa124 comments, 9132 views Bologna, Piazza Maggiore by Carlo Bassi124 comments, 18460 views Ruin by Carlo Bassi199 comments, 18590 views Saturnia by Mr Bridge78 comments, 10586 views HI RES 4.2 MP Maximum of mimicry by Amata Ciro66 comments, 8981 views In a ray of sunshine by Jooferr142 comments, 10952 views I got my eye on you by Grzehoofr58 comments, 14549 views Magic Val d'Orcia by Carlo Bassi184 comments, 16549 views HI RES 3.7 MP Escaping from by Jooferr112 comments, 8819 views Roller skating championships by Carlo Bassi130 comments, 14865 views To her eye ... by Joeb218 comments, 8885 views HI RES 4.2 MP Peacock (Linnaeus, 1758) by Joeb219 comments, 12438 views HI RES 4.2 MP Oriental beauty by Jooferr91 comments, 9734 views The lone tree by Carlo Bassi138 comments, 12283 views Abbey of San Galgano by Joeb231 comments, 16864 views Piazza S Silvestro - Rome by Jooferr113 comments, 8893 views Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758) by Joeb230 comments, 8854 views HI RES 4.2 MP The window by Gio8166 comments, 5756 views Mission Impossible by Jooferr128 comments, 7791 views HI RES 8.6 MP I'm losing you by Jooferr123 comments, 9244 views Sheaves of straw by Carlo Bassi86 comments, 18188 views Tuxedo by Gig7859 comments, 22343 views Untitled Photo by Grzehoofr51 comments, 17724 views |
May Beauty Be Everywhere Around Me