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Canon EF 135mm f/2.0 L USM : Specifications and Opinions

Canon EF 135mm f/2.0 L USM

The Canon EF 135mm f/2.0 L USM is a tele lens for FF and APS-C, manufactured from 1996 to 2022 (discontinued). The focus is done by Ultrasonic AF Motor (Ring-USM), it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 1150 €;
197 users have given it an average vote of 9.8 out of 10.

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This lens is available with the following mounts:

Canon EF: this lens is compatible with reflex fullframe and APS-C Canon EF.

SpecificationsReviewsCompareBuySample Photos

 Focal lenght   135 mm
 Angle of view   18.2°
 Format   FF, APS-C
 Max. aperture   f/2.0
 Aperture blades   8
 Lenses/Groups   10 elements in 8 groups
 Min. focus distance   0.90 meters
 Reproduction ratio   0.19x

 Stabilization   No
 Focus   Ultrasonic AF Motor (Ring-USM)
 Internal Focus   Yes

 Built and notes
 Tripod ring   No
 Extenders   No
 Filters   72 mm
 Lens hood   Yes, supplied
 Weather sealing   No
 Weight   750 g
 Dimensions   83 x 112 mm


Canon EF 135mm f/2.0 L USM, buy on Ebay Ebay

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sent on August 08, 2015

Pros: excellent sharpness and contrast, very pleasing bokeh, solid construction, comparatively low price

Cons: no weather sealing, small AF switches

Opinion: This lens is one of the best Canon L prime lenses below 200mm. Image quality is excellent, with very high sharpness wide open and incredible sharpness from f2.5 onwads! Colors and contrast are also excellent and the rendered bokeh is one of the best and harmonic bokehs you will find in this focal range. AF is extremely fast and very accurate - it is one of my lenses with the best "in focus" hit rate! Construction is solid but with tiny AF switches, no weather sealing and a little outdated lenshood witch is a little hard to install (rough-running thread). Compared to its excellent image quality the price is comparatively low!

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sent on December 02, 2024

Pros: Simply magical

Cons: Not having it

Opinion: Not being a portrait photographer, for some time I had been thinking about whether it was appropriate to trade it in to buy a lens more suitable for sports photography (although those few times I had taken it with me to a fencing or volleyball arena it gave me excellent results as well as in concert photography) but after being able to test it in its field of choice during a portrait workshop set in I no longer have any doubt that it will remain part of my kit. Used with Canon 1DX (but even with 5D III the discourse does not change), it is pure magic: blurred, colors, definition. sharpness even at high apertures. Of course it is not an easy focal length, also thanks to the fact that it is a fixed lens, but once "tamed" it can only give satisfaction and make you have a lot of fun. Absolutely and warmly recommended for those who do not have it yet, those who do have it instead keep it tight.

sent on November 13, 2024

Pros: Magic blur, fixed lens quality, construction

Cons: Maybe the absence of the stabilizer, but given the design date I don't think it can be considered a real con

Opinion: I had wanted this lens for a long time, I finally bought it and was not disappointed. The shots it gives are fantastic, the blur is superb and the colors are gorgeous. I'm not a portrait photographer but for me it's a must-have lens! The project is dated but it still defends itself greatly, especially on sensors that are not too dense like the one of my 6D Mark II

sent on July 26, 2023

Pros: Image quality, f2, L series, Built-in hood, Fixed lens.

Cons: Unstabilized, "high" fire distance.

Opinion: Lens purchased a few months ago after trying other telephoto lenses (70-200 f4, 70-300). I fell in love with it immediately. Lens "of other times". It makes you go back in time. Colors, for me superb, warm. Focal "strange" to understand. For me it was love at first sight. An advantage/disadvantage: it is a fixed lens. To take pictures you have to use your legs and look for the shot according to the landscape. The zoom is practical and versatile, definitely, but, for me, the unmistakable quality of fixed lenses always pays off. Lens that I recommend to fans "of the old" and as an investment. If you find it on 600 euros, I wouldn't think twice. it is appropriate to say: "Old but gold".

sent on May 01, 2023

Pros: Incredible optics, becomes stabilized with the current Mirrorless

Cons: Management of a fixed 135

Opinion: Purchased in 2023, it is a lens that I have always craved and I have always waited to buy. I recently made the transition from Reflex to Mirrorless and I decided to make this purchase too. Obviously used. One of the most comfortable things about Mirrorless technology is the stabilization of the sensor, which gave me the opportunity to start seriously exploiting many fixed lenses by specifically choosing non-stabilized ones. I must say, that despite the project is from 1996, this perspective behaves very well even with modern machines (R6-R7), returning absolutely exceptional results. Precise focus, incredible sharpness, crazy colors, wonderful blur! From my point of view this perspective has no flaws, and what once could have been (lack of stabilization), with modern machines is solved beautifully. In fact, for those who use Mirrorless, you will obviously find a stabilized optics. The only real complication is the fact of being a fixed 135, not easy to manage in all situations, but this applies to any fixed lens. It must be said that we are faced with an optics intended for the portrait par excellence and, in my opinion, especially for half-length and close-up shots, even if in the whole figures it still manages to detach the subject from the background in an incredible way. The cleanliness of detail and the clarity of the images are really excellent, as well as the color rendering even in very difficult situations and with precise casts; The complexion is always very precise and the shades of color returned perfectly. Reading some other opinions around the web, some complained about the minimum focusing distance, but I find that 90 cm for a 135 mm is more than enough for the use for which it was built. In short, I was absolutely enthusiastic about the choice I finally managed to make, finding myself an incredible and moreover "stabilized" optics. Even on the R7 (32 megapixels on APS-C), it does not suffer at all from the density of the sensor (which for example the 24-105 L a little bit does) returning fantastic images! On the R6, instead, we are at poetry! As for the use for sports activities and action photography in general, I found the autofocus very fast, but its focal length makes it preferable for more indoor than outdoor use; If I had to photograph a volleyball game I would definitely choose it, for an 11-a-side football match I don't know. But in any case it is simply a matter of choosing the focal length, because for speed of focus and image rendering you go with your eyes closed.

Photos taken with Canon EF 135mm f/2.0 L USM

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by Donato Romagnuolo
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Winter sport II
by Stanislav Marko
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Miss fano rossella
by Luca_S
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What a charm ...
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I love the 135 f2
by Luca_S
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First the mother and then the daughter ...
by Alessandro Bergamini
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Eyes Himalayan ..
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Nice evening
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by Donato Romagnuolo
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by Donagh
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Untitled Photo
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Sweet Escape (Little Red Riding Hood)
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Confused and happy
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by Stefanotealdi
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by Muron
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Untitled Photo
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The sky above Rome
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HI RES 15.3 MP


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by Alessandro Bergamini
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Nerd Girl
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