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The Canon EF 100mm f/2.0 USM is a tele lens for FF and APS-C, manufactured from 1991 to 2020 (discontinued). The focus is done by Ultrasonic AF Motor (Ring-USM), it does not have image stabilization. The average price, when it has been added to the JuzaPhoto database, is 548 €;
75 users have given it an average vote of 9.6 out of 10.
This lens is available with the following mounts:
Canon EF: this lens is compatible with reflex fullframe and APS-C Canon EF.
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Pros: Great image quality. Nice bokeh. Sharp at F2. Decent build, better than the EF 85F1.8 USM (a bit more metal). Fast and silent AF with FTM. Pretty compact and not so heavy. Quite affordable. Small and popular 58mm filter thread.
Cons: The hood design is a joke, which is a rattling piece of plastic and it's sold separately. Color aberrations (the fringing) are lower than with the EF 85F1.8 USM, which come into play only in some specific lighting situations, but they are still there. Not a big problem (for the price). Doesn't work well for close-ups (MFD=0.9m). Not stabilized.
Opinion: I really like this lens very much. More than its smaller, but slightly (and reasonably) cheaper 85F1.8 "sister". Works beautifully on my EOS 6D. I wish it could focus a bit closer, but there's nothing that an extension tube couldn't fix :). It produces pleasantly sharp and contrasty images with a nice bokeh. Which is a fantastic deal for $500.
The following opinions have been automatically translated with Google Translate.
Pros:Compact and light for the focal length, sharp and correct enough
Cons:somewhat plasticky construction
Opinion:Used first on 60D, then M5 (both smooth and with speedbooster) and finally on R8. It has always proven to be a valid lens for both portraiture, landscape use and lately also for action. Sufficiently sharp and contrasted (even if more modern lenses do better in this sense), with few aberrations and good resistance to flare (but not flawless). The AF is fast enough even for action photos. Mainly used on the M5 with speedbooster for portraits, then with the arrival of the Sigma 56 I started using it mainly for action photos such as liuminous telephoto, since it also manages the crop factor of aps-c well. Compared to its brother Ef 50 1.4 it is much better in every aspect, even if they share the aesthetics and construction, which is now a bit plastic. Lately on R8 it has become the main lens and it is still giving me satisfaction after years.
Opinion:I tried for a long time this lens lent by a friend and it did not satisfy me. I also had several 85mm and the 135L. Personally I found a better correction of chromatic aberrations than the 85mm f/1.8 USM but also a lower sharpness. By closing the diaphragm things improve. Unfortunately it is not stabilized. It is as if it were a "I would like but I can't" of the 135L and I'm not just talking about price, it's as if it were a draft whose natural evolution is precisely the 135L, in the pros and in the conrto. On a personal level I prefer the focal length 85mm because it is closer to the subject, with 100 or 135 you have to stay further away. I personally would not recommend it.
Pros:Sharpness already at TA, light, progression and softness of the blurred.
Cons:They no longer produce it. It is addictive.
Opinion:Approaching the genre of portraiture and hearing about it only well, I took this lens used. Well, I regret not taking it earlier, years ago. Every file it produces is, at least for me, a marvel. Sharp, fast and always precise maf whether you shoot from the eyepiece or in live view, it makes you want to use it almost always all open, so much is the beauty of the blurred and the feeling of three-dimensionality that gives to the shots. I cannot add anything else that has not already been said. It's just a shame that it's no longer in production. For me I vote 10 laude.
Pros:Untopse and blurry, image quality, sharpness, purple fringing resistance better than 85mm sibling, autofocus
Cons:Nothing relevant
Opinion:I took this lens almost 8 years ago used, when it was almost impossible to find its reviews as it obscured by the most emblazoned 135L, the 100mm macro or the 85/1.8. After monitoring the online used markets I managed to take it for a ridiculous amount and never bought it was right. The lens is small, light and very manageable (same family of canon gold series 50/1.4, 85/1.8), perfect companion for any trip, as the footprint is null and you will not feel the weight in the backpack. The image quality is surprising, the colors are not too contrasted, nor saturated as the modern goals, but not for this reason the image is "washed", but on the contrary it is very natural, with an incredible sharpness already in TA (of course we do not talk about a macro lens, you will not have the same micro contrast), and with a detachment of the floors that in the amateur field has little to envy to 135L. The most important flaw of its little brother 85mm, the purple fringing, here is very attenuated. I do not want to criticize the absence of the lampshade, as no lens of its band includes it, as far as I know. I didn't even find any difficulty with the torpedo graft. I bought one for a few bucks online and it sticks exactly like other gold series targets. Vote 9
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