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Saverio Paternostro


Blue Hour
by Saverio Paternostro
6 comments, 611 views
Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast, London
by Saverio Paternostro
6 comments, 681 views
Saint Paul's Cathedral
by Saverio Paternostro
14 comments, 843 views
Christmas in Florence
by Saverio Paternostro
2 comments, 587 views
Palazzo Vecchio
by Saverio Paternostro
0 comments, 561 views
London Cityscape
by Saverio Paternostro
0 comments, 612 views
Urban Detail
by Saverio Paternostro
0 comments, 509 views
Last Days of celebration
by Saverio Paternostro
0 comments, 487 views

All the photos displayed in these galleries are copyright Saverio Paternostro and they can not be used without the authorization of the author.


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May Beauty Be Everywhere Around Me