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Ferruginous by Luca Costa57 comments, 5148 views Ferruginous by Maurizio Baldari66 comments, 3277 views Males of ferruginous duck in spring migration by Claudio Cortesi50 comments, 1464 views Morette tabaccate in migration by Claudio Cortesi60 comments, 1291 views Dark brown by Enrico F64 comments, 992 views Morette tabaccate in spring migration by Claudio Cortesi36 comments, 877 views Tabaccata at dawn by Marco Valentini23 comments, 1058 views The miracle of migration by Claudio Cortesi37 comments, 1014 views Ferruginous duck at first light by Roberto Marchitelli42 comments, 1889 views Ferruginous duck by Cusufai28 comments, 923 views Morette tabaccate in migration by Claudio Cortesi33 comments, 875 views Morette tabaccate in migration by Claudio Cortesi48 comments, 832 views Duck by Alby8529 comments, 1339 views Aythya nyroca (ferruginous), 002126 by Juza1 comments, 4102 views Morette Tobacconists by PannaeFragola15 comments, 1011 views Teddy-bear male by MarcoBrandi20 comments, 1013 views Ferruginous by Atricapilla20 comments, 1032 views Duck by Cesare Carloni32 comments, 916 views Phases of flight by Marco Valentini22 comments, 1623 views Moretta tabaccata (Aythya nyroca) by Bicchio7129 comments, 886 views Tabaccata at Alba2 by Alchie9 comments, 647 views Tabaccata at dawn by Alchie14 comments, 1007 views Tabactta by Massimo_Photo26 comments, 942 views Ferruginous duck by Cusufai23 comments, 665 views Ferruginous by Pmaffio21 comments, 3006 views Ferruginous by Giorgio Pilla15 comments, 1357 views Moretta tabaccata (Aythya nyroca) by Ciarla Marco23 comments, 726 views Moretta in the rain by Cusufai16 comments, 557 views Ferruginous duck by Cusufai17 comments, 482 views Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) by Davide Falossi18 comments, 2110 views Ferruginous duck by Renato Togni21 comments, 686 views Ferruginous duck by Alby8519 comments, 670 views Duck by Cusufai17 comments, 636 views And bring all m'incazzzzzzz by Pmaffio23 comments, 1416 views Ferruginous duck by Cusufai18 comments, 315 views Tabacte morettes by Claudio Cortesi11 comments, 484 views Morettina by Pm54439 comments, 1345 views |
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