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| sent on January 29, 2012 (12:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Lake Carezza. Suggestions and criticisms always welcome en .... ;-) Lago di Carezza. Suggerimenti e critiche sempre en graditi.... |
| sent on January 30, 2012 (23:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
very, very nice. photos to print to hang on the wall. good davvero molto, molto bella. foto da stampare a appendere al muro. bravo |
| sent on January 31, 2012 (0:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Francoia .. too good ... maybe I could get a little 'more, but I was starting out plus I was using a compact ... Thank you for the welcome step! ;-) Hello Grazie Francoia..troppo buono... forse potevo ottenere un po' di più ma ero agli inizi e oltretutto stavo usando una compatta... Grazie per il gradito passaggio ! Ciao |
| sent on July 01, 2012 (11:35) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
A paradise ..... just looking to relax let alone to living there ... Beautiful complimenti.Saluti Leo70 Un paradiso.....basta guardarla per rilassarsi figuriamoci ad esseri lì...Bella complimenti.Saluti Leo70 |
| sent on July 04, 2012 (14:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Leo70 ... in fact it makes me to see her ankle to go back:-D hello Grazie Leo70 ...in effetti a rivederla mi fa venir viglia di tornarci ciao |
| sent on September 09, 2013 (20:46) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Superb photo memories of other times hello Carlo Stupenda foto ricordi di altri tempi ciao Carlo |
| sent on September 10, 2013 (9:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thanks Carlo for visiting and welcome the comments, I'm glad. Greetings Matthew Grazie Carlo per la visita ed il gradito commento, mi fa piacere. Un saluto Matteo |
| sent on November 23, 2013 (9:32) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Nice glimpse, a window on a really lovely place. Personally I do not mind even the fence, which many may not like. I like it because it involves more the observer, moving it directly to the place where you made the shot. Hello, BH Bello scorcio, una finestra su un luogo davvero incantevole. Personalmente non mi dispiace neanche la staccionata, che molti potrebbero non gradire. Mi piace perchè coinvolge maggiormente l'osservatore, trasportandolo direttamente nel luogo in cui è stato effettuato lo scatto. Ciao, BH |
| sent on November 25, 2013 (13:21) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Blackhornet83 Hello, I'm glad you liked it! .. I was looking for a shot a little 'different from the usual, and that could enhance the shot and to see how the experiment seems to have succeeded .. See you soon Matthew Ciao Blackhornet83, mi fa piacere che ti sia piaciuta ! .. stavo cercando un inquadratura un po' diversa dal solito e che poteva valorizzare lo scatto e a quanto vedo l'esperimento sembra essere riuscito.. A presto Matteo |
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