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  4. » Polar Star ... star trail and Milky Way

Polar Star ... star trail and Milky Way...


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Polar Star ... star trail and Milky Way sent on July 19, 2017 (19:00) by Fabioviti. 2 comments, 1309 views.

, Posa B f/1.8, ISO 400, tripod.

Un vecchissimo satto eseguito dal Vallone dell'Arma (Cn) con Pentax ME super e pellicola Fuji Superia 400 ASA. Qui proposta come scansione da negativo a bassa risoluzione. Lo scatto è stato eseguito con 10 o 15 minuti di posa....non ricordo esattamente sotto un cielo talmente nero e fitto di stelle che si faceva fatica a distinguere le costellazioni. Sulla parte destra del fotogramma si intravede come una vana nube lattescente la Via Lattea. Lo scatto fu eseguito in totale assenza di luci parassite e in assenza di Luna.

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sent on July 19, 2017 (19:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Of strartrail you see many, but this I like because in my opinion you have come up with the right show time to highlight the stars and their bike

Often, it tends to make much longer exposures that reveal the motion of the sky in a marked way, perhaps too much, and you lose the perception of being stars.
However, the effect is for me well calibrated and it creates the feeling of falling into a tunnel

Beautiful ;-)

sent on July 19, 2017 (19:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks to Stefano .... what I like more than this image (if I find the negative scanning again at higher resolution) is the fact that the "stellar image" is not saturated or overexposed because of the movement, shows the Real colors of single stars, some even greenish (except of course calibration, scanning or processing errors).

RCE Foto

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