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  4. » The rice fields Sapa

The rice fields Sapa...


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The rice fields Sapa sent on January 08, 2016 (18:04) by Jarmila. 32 comments, 2625 views.

at 40mm, 1/100 f/7.1, ISO 100, hand held. Sapa (Sa Pa), Vietnam.

Le risaie di Sapa

121 persons like it: -Momo-, 1niko, 7h3 L4w, Afrikachiara, Albertopantellini, Albieri Sergio, Alchie, Alessandro57, Alviano, Annamaria Pertosa, Antonio Paesanti, Arvina, Augusto Cherchi, Baribal, Billy5, Borreani Corrado, Brontolo83, Caccia6969, Cap91, Carminax, Carracate, Caterina Bruzzone, Ciocca Sergio, Cirillo Donelli, Ciska, Cola, Cristina Giani, Dantes, Dario84, Diamante_P, Donna, Ellebi, Emozionevisiva, Eugenio Costa, Eugenio Sacchetti, Ezio Mapelli, Fabio Rusticelli, Federico_28, Fiorenzo Sagoni, Fragarbo, Francesco Abbate, Franco Buffalmano, Franco_63, Fulvio Gioria, Fulvio Sudati, Gabriele Castellari, Gaia Alessandro , Gazebo, Ggbruni, Gianluca Maria Bighelli, Gianni M, Giordano Santini, Giorgio Vantini, Giovanni Boccardo, Giovanni81, Giuseppe Guadagno, Goman, Grandisde, Ivan73, Jankoj, Jean-Pierre Lannoy, Joeb, Livio Frega, Lorenzo Crovetto, Luca Candido, Luca Mandelli, Luigi Casetta, Luigi Mossali, Lully, Mamaroby, Marco Biancalani, Marco50, Maria Rosaria Iazzetta, Marisa194, Massimo Bruno, Massimo Soldani Benzi, Massimo_Photo, Matteo Delmondo, Mauro Monesi, Maxspin73, Merak.dubhe, Nickburen, Nino 58, Nino Rubino, Nonnachecca, Oberdan, Omero, Oscar Milia, Paolo Aosta, Paolo P, Peter Pipistrello, Pierbalen, Piergiovanni Pierantozzi, Pierluigi Asturi, Pietro Veivolo, Pmaffio, Quellolà, Renata Ponso, Roberto Onano, Roberto Ravecca, Roberto Tamanza, Roberto Vacca, Ronda, Rush00, Samu.03, Sasso, Saverio Perrotta, Serrim, Sg67, Silvio Maccario, Stefano Marangoni, Swallace, Tigrillo, Tripleh, Tristan, Valter19, Veris, Vincenzo De Paola, Vittorio Scatolini, Waalex, Zman


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sent on January 08, 2016 (18:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Jarmila hello, really beautiful view. My son these days is in Vietnam and send beautiful images. Saluti- FB

sent on January 08, 2016 (18:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

wonder of nature

sent on January 08, 2016 (18:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on January 08, 2016 (20:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A real show, congratulations!

sent on January 08, 2016 (21:10) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

both beautiful and meaningful pictures, waiting for the other compliments !!!
greetings saverio

sent on January 08, 2016 (21:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Jarmila Hello !!!! You always do the big picture!

sent on January 08, 2016 (22:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Large beautiful picture! Jarmila Congratulations!
Hello! Sergio ;-) :-P

sent on January 09, 2016 (0:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful picture, congratulations!


sent on January 09, 2016 (9:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I also cultivate rice, but my campaigns are much less hilly. wow! :-P ;-) Brava Jarmila congratulations and greetings. Gazebo. -D

sent on January 09, 2016 (10:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on January 09, 2016 (12:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Cutaway environment full of history, congratulations, greetings


sent on January 09, 2016 (13:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Very nice hello samu

sent on January 09, 2016 (14:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Fantastic biodiversity of the area.
Beautiful, Hello Lu. :-P

sent on January 09, 2016 (15:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

nice picture, maybe I slightly more saturated colors

sent on January 09, 2016 (17:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Albieri Sergio - Thanks for the compliments Sergio .. hello hello ;-)
@ Ronda - Thanks for the nice words Simone .. a warm greeting .. ;-)
@ Gazebo -
I also cultivate rice,
seriously? bravo..wow! Thank you for visiting Gazebo..ciao.
@ Jankoj - Thanks Janko ,, nice .. Hello. ;-)
@ Fiorenzo Sagoni - I thank Fiorenzo, I was pleased Your visit .. Hello. ;-)
@ Samu.03 - Thank Samu ... but you really only 12 years old wow! Wow! I'm glad that you like it .. Thanks ;-) hello
@ Louis Mossali -Thanks for ì interest Luigi .. Many greetings and good wishes. :-)
@ Mauro89 -Thanks for the advice Mauro. QUOTE] I might have slightly more saturated I usually say otherwise ;-) :-) I tried theasciarla natural, unfortunately, in November, the nature is a little off, in fact I was advised to go to settembre..pazienza :-)
" di solito mi dicono il contrario ;-)SorrisoHo cercato di lasciarla al naturale, purtroppo in novembre la natura è un pò spenta,infatti mi hanno consigliato di andare in settembre..pazienza :-)

sent on January 11, 2016 (20:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A photograph beautiful (seems brushstroke by a painter of Southeast Asian Nations). Congratulations to the composition and management of the preparation itself.

sent on January 13, 2016 (13:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Plans tilt and overlap, in homes and in the ground. Photography very beautiful and very interesting.

sent on January 17, 2016 (0:19) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

wow! compliments! a greeting Jarmy
Francesco :-)

sent on January 17, 2016 (8:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Great overview, compliments 8-)
A greeting
Vittorio 8-) ;-)

sent on January 17, 2016 (12:09) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Truly magnificent !!!!!

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