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  4. » Boat - Loch Linnhe

Boat - Loch Linnhe...

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Boat - Loch Linnhe sent on February 05, 2014 (11:20) by Micr0chip. 8 comments, 620 views.

, 1/640 f/5.6, ISO 100, hand held. Glencoe, United Kingdom.

sono ai primi esperimenti di conversione in b/n il Loch Linnhe si trova nelle Highlands Scozzesi vicino a Glencoe #BiancoeNero #laghi #barche #circolofotografico

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sent on February 05, 2014 (16:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The idea, though not original, I like it, even if everything I know a little flat. Even the black and white would probably need some more nuance.

sent on February 05, 2014 (17:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

thanks Arconudo Comment! are really the first steps in b / w I'll make some more effort in
thanks again

sent on February 05, 2014 (19:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

hello Micr0chip before the management of "shades" of black and white, I worry about the composition and the message you want to convey with your picture ;-)

First of all, I am not convinced that you have stamped on the closing edge to the left, crossing the pylon, although the cut is recognizable to me seems a stretch compositional not necessary in this particular case.

On the first floor there is too much empty space, according to me (imho)

Finally, the wake darker on top (parallel to the top edge) is an index of other closing ... but in this case you could not do anything about it. I would opt for a composition of this type

<br />

I also speculated the image, leading to the left to the right, resulting in a more positive outlook (at least for Western culture, the question changes to the east)

This is obviously for my personal tastes. Forgive me if I have dwelt

good evening

sent on February 05, 2014 (22:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

quoto careful and original analysis of Felux.Aggiungo only that if I made it myself for example, I would have left the boat all down and I would have left more space above the poles, since their vertical development, I'll suggerisce.così you have a little closed the image, but that's just my interpretation nothing more.

sent on February 07, 2014 (10:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I think Felux has summed up in a few lines and an example in everything there was to say.

sent on February 07, 2014 (14:57) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Meanwhile, thanks to all of suggeriementi in aprticolare to Felux that has dwelt ;-)
I actually had to put the boats further down, or even try to take the photo vertically, which for me is now a bit 'unnatural!
I tried to reassemble as per the suggestion of Felux but no mirror it, I do not like this kind of intervention, if the boat was turned to the left, for me it has to stay that way, but this is personal opinion.
effectively removing the pole "cut" has a lot more breath!
thanks again to all and see you soon

sent on February 07, 2014 (15:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I find that to improve the image would be sufficient to cut a slice in the bottom of the lagoon (agree more with Simon).
Of course, the ideal would be to find the boat further down, a little 'detached from the poles. In this way, you would have also raised the water line (choreography), which instead is going to be superimposed on a pole, but I guess I could not get up to change the captured ... :-D

In practice, for me, raising and lowering the line above the boat bottom, she will be a very good image.

Andrea. ;-)

sent on February 11, 2014 (18:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Andrea thanks to you, I memorized everything in the future! (Cm ² no, I could not lift the frame, unless you get on the roof of the car ;-)!) Shame not to go back there to do it again by following all your advice.

RCE Foto

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