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Untitled Photo sent on December 09, 2011 (19:10) by Mayer. 11 comments, 835 views.

1/1000 f/5.6, ISO 400, Specie: Capra ibex

Sicuramente non brilla per nitidezza,però volevo condividere con voi questo scatto in un ambiente "ostile" dal punto di vista metereologico. Stambecco(Capra ibex) Canon 100-400 IS USM @400 1/1000 f5.6 ISO 400 Alta Val Susa

3 persons like it: Marcoplano, Mau1948, Miv

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sent on December 09, 2011 (19:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The only solution for not taking the twigs that I were in front has been to cut unfortunately a part of the animal

sent on December 10, 2011 (18:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Excuse Mayer but the larger error is to cut the animal, unless the cutting has no meaning such as a portrait, a particular, etc.

Unfortunately, not always between us and the subject's view is free ... when can you move or are expected to be the animal to move to a position more favorable to us. Other times we have the body partially covered and there will a reason. In this case you should not have cut, especially because you have lost the horns, as well as a piece of ass. In this case, given the weather conditions, sharpness matters little. But the composition had to be .. use a lens that allows a lot in this respect.


sent on December 10, 2011 (21:12) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Good point shooting and chills seeing this picture I almost wrapped.
Personal interpretation as I closed the aperture at least af, 7.1 to increase the sharpness and detail, I would have used a focal piermettesse to include both the horn that the bottom cut.
To prevent the hooks af twigs?
Among the many solutions try to practice this: set one-shot, aim the head-eye, hold the shutter button halfway, redial choosing the focal length (while keeping the shutter button halfway), and shots. When you release the pressure on the shutter button halfway to rifermati perform another shot of making micro adjustments to exposure and composition.
I forgot the 100-400mm have a nice aperture f.5, 6 to 400mm that allows you with a lot of great portraits blurred (classic situation photographing faces) but with such wide-ranging subjects if you want maximum sharpness you need to close to F.8.
hello and good light, laurel

sent on December 10, 2011 (21:35) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Excellent cold feeling that transmits pictures. Too bad for the horn cut.

sent on December 11, 2011 (0:59) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Lauro if the subject is moving or not is still, the use of the one-shot is likely to complicate things. I recommend using AI SERVO and change the point of maf in order to compose the scene having focus what you want.

sent on December 11, 2011 (1:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

In this situation lenses do not have the feeling that the subject is in motion: fconfuso:. With the sprigs of the way, Andre8, in my opinion, you are likely to micro movements of optics that make us lose af engagement suddenly ingananto own obstacles .. while the one-shot AF is stuck where we decided to fall. It does not matter that the subject of that size to move a few inches because with a smaller aperture is quadagna margin in pdc. hello and good light, laurel

sent on December 11, 2011 (1:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I did not want to say that your advice was wrong ... I meant that as individuals can stop and restart, the use of AI SERVO is more versatile. In this situation he could move the point of maf choosing one of those on the left, so as to exclude the branches. However, everyone has their own way ... they are all right when they work and allow us to get what we want.


sent on December 11, 2011 (1:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I agree with you that the important thing is to practice them, and then find the right approach, if you do not try these methods you may not have the potential of our kits ;-) hello and good light, laurel

sent on December 11, 2011 (12:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

"A dark figure appears in a reassuring gaze veiled background created by the white snow falling! Wonderful! A very impressive shot! Soon, silvia ;-)

sent on December 11, 2011 (19:31) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

hello, I'll tell you, I'm sorry more for the cuts for the dark or blurry, I'm not an expert, I would have left the branches, but with all the ibex ... feeling cold .. good

sent on September 20, 2015 (20:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

wildly beautiful! I like a lot, but with the branches and cut ... good ass

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