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  1. Galleries
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  3. Travel Reportage
  4. » Port Winston

Port Winston...

Operazione Overlord

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Port Winston sent on January 08, 2014 (12:59) by Doudou. 5 comments, 943 views.

at 16mm, 30 sec f/10.0, ISO 50, tripod.

Arromanches (Francia): particolare del porto artificiale ribattezzato Porto Winston. Prefabbricato in 8 mesi in Gran Bretagna, i pezzi furono rimorchiati per la Manica fino al largo di Arromanches (piccola cittadina Normanna). 115 cassoni in cemento da 3000 a 6000 tonnellate furono affondati nell'acqua per servire da diga per 8 km di lunghezza. Così protetti, furono portate queste piattaforme. In 12 giorni il porto artificiale di Arromanches divenne operativo. Questo permise di sbarcare 400 mila veicoli e oltre 3 miloni di tonnellate di materiale. #Relitti #BiancoeNero #Spiagge

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sent on January 09, 2014 (9:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Interesting also as a moment of history. How many news and sensations can convey a simple click. Behind it you can hide events that have marked the course of the existence of many people. Bel document supported by a good caption.
Hello, Richard

sent on January 09, 2014 (18:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Richard for the passage and for appreciating this photo. This shot is part of a "work" wider on which I am still working, trying to think about the Second World War. In this case, the theme is on the Allied landings in Normandy. If you are interested in the "reportage", and always on the theme of World War II, I made a gallery two months ago entitled "Do not Forget", the theme is hard but I felt it was only right to share it with all who wish to do so.
;-) David

sent on January 09, 2014 (23:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello David, I went to visit your gallery and it was not an easy thing. You have sent a very strong message that, unfortunately, can not penetrate into the human head. Despite how successful we will never understand why we continue to behave in the same way. I have not visited the concentration camps but I did some presence in military cemeteries and though not to the same extent are experiences that leave a mark and make you think. I commend the work is not easy and I wonder if I can annoverarti among the "friends" of the forum. Thank you.

sent on February 10, 2014 (17:40)


Beautiful pictures,

Vous avez une très belle photo, j'aime les photos en noir et blanc..



Jean, Que, Can,

À la prochaine....bye

sent on February 10, 2014 (21:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Jean Goods,
Dernièrement j'ai fait plusieurs photos en Noir et Blanc sur le thème de la 2ème World Wars.
;-) David

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