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Ranked # 2 scotland...


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Ranked # 2 scotland sent on July 07, 2013 (1:17) by Koda59. 29 comments, 2691 views.

, 1/1000 f/8.0, ISO 400, hand held.

#Castles La Scozia (inglese e scots Scotland, gaelico scozzese Alba) è una delle quattro nazioni costitutive del Regno Unito.Anticamente chiamata dai Romani in latino, ed anche per tutto il Medioevo, Caledonia, occupa la porzione settentrionale della Gran Bretagna. Un tempo regno indipendente, dal 1707, con l'Atto di Unione entrò a far parte del Regno di Gran Bretagna, assieme all'Inghilterra. I regni di Scozia e Inghilterra erano peraltro già uniti dinasticamente dal 1603. Ha una superficie di 78.782 km². La sua capitale è Edimburgo (Edinburgh). Altra importante città è Glasgow. Gli stessi scozzesi considerano le due città, Edimburgo e Glasgow, entrambe capitali. La prima è considerata capitale culturale, mentre la seconda capitale economica.


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sent on July 07, 2013 (12:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you for like it: Afrikachiara, Gtabbi, Lui_gi, Marco Orlandino, Jarmila, Raffaeledellasanta, Dantes, Alberto Ghizzi Pabuon, Giannimattonai, Elisewin, Slawek, Tristan, Angel Bacchio, Ulysseita, Mushroom, Sergio Ciocca, Massimo Soldani Benzi, Diego.armando . fender, Ivancosta, Carlo62, Simona Loredana, Zman, Paul Corona, Olovni, F.Naef, Sasasicilyuno, Beatricecapone, Obadessa. :-P Koda

sent on July 07, 2013 (16:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A beautiful Scottish castle and a beautiful view from you realized.
I would have given a little 'of emphasis to the sky darkening shades and thus accentuating the contrast with the bright green of the grass.
But, in any case, the photo I like and therefore bravoooo Koda!

sent on July 07, 2013 (16:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you for the suggestion Michael, I will take note of your information, even if there is a low-cost flight Last Minute, I take this opportunity, I could make us a little spring in these parts ... :-D Scotland is very impressive! Too bad that a few years ago when I took these pictures I was not very experienced as a photographer, only now I'm getting better little by little with the help and advice of each of you, and as I always say: thanks to all who give me advice useful for my "growth" camera. Thanks! :-P Good Sunday and thanks for the ride and for the welcome comment. :-P

sent on July 07, 2013 (19:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Great picture, perfect compo 8-)

sent on July 07, 2013 (19:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Salvo, but as they say in my part, I was not a "peg" before and are not a "genius" now. I have no illusions at all, and the rest with your feet on the ground! However, humanly speaking, I enjoy your comments because you are a sincere and honest person and I really appreciate them. Thanks again and good Sunday. In particular, I congratulate you for the photos of the "tunnel", you understand that for us and for others it has a great and profound meaning. My compliments to you now I make them for that image. PS By the way: the word dawg from us is not a dirty word but it means in the real significance of the term "person with a little salt in the pumpkin" and that "jag" things on the fly. Sometimes we Tuscan we are very curious ... and ready to take a joke! :-D

sent on July 07, 2013 (20:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

:-D:-D:-D You're great Koda59, a warm greeting.

sent on July 07, 2013 (20:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful construction, excellent sharpness, light and colors.
At this point there was a good scene completely deserted.

sent on July 08, 2013 (0:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks @ Sasasicilyuno Unless, of course you are just loved these landscapes. Thank you very much! :-P
@ Lui_gi tries to read in another comment to one of these architectures Scottish landscapes or under what conditions I made the shots and then give me reason, got it right also ElleEmme, I was in a town organized trip and I had to respect the time of the guide, the group and also the light was often not even optimal, sometimes frankly disastrous for excessive differences between light and shadow, which is why I just did my best and, as he said a good friend of mine, "the impossible immediately makes for miracles ... only a few days. " :-P PS However, after making these necessary clarifications, I salute you and I thank you cordially! :-P

sent on July 08, 2013 (10:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Nice clip with excellent distribution of the various plans on the third photo. Too bad it did not have qulache mm less (eg 14mm) inquadrarloo for everything, but the majesty of the manor is well made

sent on July 08, 2013 (19:26) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I like it just as it is done, I just desaturated the castle, for a very simple reason, and this triggered the prettametne personal taste, I imagine these walls, like the Irish, grayish, almost cold.
but I like it so much and the same.

sent on July 08, 2013 (22:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Gtabbi: Thank you John for your always timely advice, you're right about the frame, there was a frame around the manor. Thanks for the word "majesty" I really liked. By the way there is a last minute flight? These Scottish landscapes I "nab" much! Hello Koda wow!
@ Giannimattonai: Gianni respect your pdv: photography is beautiful because everyone sees the pictures from their "angle" and tastes are often personal, but if I have time, I can try to follow your suggestion, who knows, I might come up with "masterpiece" to put it into English, and then a part of the credit will be your own! Greetings and thanks from Koda:-P

sent on July 08, 2013 (22:52) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Really a fabulous place! As it says Michela I would have given more emphasis to the sky, very nice ;-)

sent on July 09, 2013 (1:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Ivancosta: Ivan I appreciate your suggestion together with that of Michael for your honesty to say what they think and, above all, because they always say gracefully and education, you can say many things, provided with grace and style, this, IMHO, it should be the guiding principle of behavior in the forum when judging a photo. This is not about doing good or not it is wrong to speak in these terms, it is about respect and education. Sorry I had to take off a few pebbles from shoes, now I feel better ... :-P

sent on July 09, 2013 (8:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Gorgeous Koda, a beautiful place enhanced by light and leaden sky. Great shot, hello Raffaele. :-)

sent on July 09, 2013 (9:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Raffaele, I thank you immensely for your nice comment that incites and encourages me to continue my "experiments". Big greetings Koda. :-P

sent on July 09, 2013 (9:53) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Great beautiful picture, congratulations!

sent on July 09, 2013 (10:23) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Harry Potter is it? ;-) Beautiful shot and very interesting place. Hello, good light:-P

sent on July 09, 2013 (21:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Carlo62: Thank you for your nice compliments:-P
@ Jarmila: Jarmila I thank you from my heart for your "magic" comment but I just caught the beauty of the places I visited. I'm doing some little experiment but we are only at the beginning still the way to go and 'very long ... Jarmila Thanks! wow!

sent on July 11, 2013 (21:11) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

This shot is a masterpiece wow wow, I like moltoooooo:-P:-P Koda59 Congratulations!
A greeting and good night :-)

sent on July 11, 2013 (22:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Simona you made me blush :-| :-| :-| for all the compliments, I heartily thank you Good Night and gold dreams to you too Simona very welcome and thank you for your passage! wow! Koda.

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