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Into the light...


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Into the light sent on May 12, 2013 (20:30) by Koda59. 31 comments, 6832 views.

at 135mm, 1/100 f/3.5, ISO 640, hand held.

"Dentro la luce" ( canone inverso ). Normalmente bilanciamo la luce del soggetto principale con lo sfondo, io ho provato a fare il contrario... "La vera bellezza è quella che costruiamo dentro al nostro spirito : quella interiore, quella esteriore ,spesso umanamente attraente, è più fragile e viene corrotta dal tempo. La "bellezza" di una persona è destinata a sopravvivere anche oltre la vita perché perdura nei ricordi delle persone che ci amano, che ci ameranno sempre e non muore mai." Koda

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sent on May 12, 2013 (22:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I can not criticize your choice of heat excessively the image at the expense of sharpness and increase of artifacts in sudden changes of tonalità.Ovviamente this is the way I see it.
Hello, Angel.

sent on May 12, 2013 (22:49) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I wanted to balance the beautiful light of the background with the foreground image. I believe that to "grow" we must also dare something, trying to experiment and do not remain anchored to the traditional canons. I know that the "purists" will turn up their nose, but sometimes I like to go against the grain. Of course I respect your point of view, also because I consider you a master of the portrait. I assure you that the starting image was different, but in my view a little flat even if technically accomplished. If you look closely at the subject of the photograph is almost a solarization effect, that a few years ago was so fashionable and was also appreciated by portrait painters. I know I will not share my statements but I have much respect for you and I believe that my growth path is still very long, but I want to try my own style to make me recognize in the midst of many other masters of gblack. I may seem presumptuous for a moment but they are also open to discussion because I believe that it is not absolutely the depositary of the truth, God forbid! With great respect Stefano ;-)

sent on May 13, 2013 (9:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

If the effect like, ok (it's not one of those things that 99% of people do not like).
What I like least (and which I think is the most technically be reviewed) is the excess air above his head place your face near the center leaving so much space at the top which is not directed towards anyone (stealing importance to the model that It should get out more).
Another thing I do not like is the expression of the mouth (it does not seem natural).
For the rest, the effect is good (and the subject absolutely to "exploit" because very valid).

sent on May 13, 2013 (10:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The air above the head in the portrait is a flaw in most situations, but spilling it all if I want to highlight the port from which comes the light I can not minimize or not properly frame this element of fundamental importance, I consider this a photo environmental portrait, taken without the aid of flash not to spoil the effect of the background behind it. The girl is framed as surrounded by a "halo of light", the title speaks for itself. With regard to the expression of the mouth than your point of view but I do not agree. How do you see the photograph can feed the discussions and if this serves well be criticism or comments. Good light! :-)

sent on May 13, 2013 (10:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Forgive me, but ... the light seems to come from all parts of the picture, except that door. The light (which burns even some areas) comes from the front, so do not quite understand the speech to include "the door which emits the light" and is therefore missing, always in my opinion, something that would justify so much space at the top.
In any case, then, it was important to include that door, you could just lower the pickup point and the door would come across in the frame without having to include a lot of space up there.

With regard to the expression of the mouth (the premise that each one likes what he likes without any objection), what I do not like is that in a context as "suffused" like that of the lower part of the face is known a cut black between teeth . I imagine the same photo without the deadlift and I Sembra everything more consistent.
Obviously, it's just my opinion.

sent on May 13, 2013 (11:45) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)


sent on May 13, 2013 (12:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Undoubtedly a picture that is controversial, it was what I wanted to achieve, I think I succeeded. I am here with you to grow with my favorite passion. :-) :-) :-)

sent on May 13, 2013 (12:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

2F> Greetings

sent on May 13, 2013 (14:47) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I think what you're asking is difficult to play, I should have much more time to devote to photography and I have not, I'm just a amateur photographer and not a professional, I should put myself in agreement with the model, have it available to myself, hope that the conditions of light and lighting can be consistently reproduced in the same way, always optimal, that its expressions are always faulted. I absolutely do not think that when you have photographers all the time at your disposal, if you are not a professional, or all the situations favorable or not?. I think when you photographers owes much to entrust to your instincts, you have a few seconds to decide if then reviewing the photos there is some imperfection patience we can not make a fuss. Also remember that the photograph is not only important to the technique, which is fundamental, but also the one that communicates a click. If moreù than 100 people have focused on this something must've sent, If 2 people have expressed to me like a I do not think they did it by accident. Better a photograph with some damage and discuss face rather than a prissy photo that does not communicate and it excites. It 'important to the aesthetic choice but perhaps even more so communicative. I wanted to communicate something, if not all have understood, I'm sorry, I can not do anything. Thank you and good light :-)

sent on May 13, 2013 (14:56) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

PS In the meantime, we are already at 242 visite.Non are still after 24 hours since I put this photo. I'm happy, this means that sometimes the courage rewards.

sent on May 13, 2013 (15:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Koda, how many words, but ... off topic.
No one ever said that you have to Tornar there to do the same shot (besides yourself when you wrote "the next time, if it can make you pleasure, I carry around a small reflector to illuminate the mouth and teeth" ).
I only said that the picture could be improved, in my opinion, with a different expression of the mouth.
That's it.
I did not say that you have to go back, I did not say that the rest of the photo does not convey anything, I did not say that thing ruin everything ... I did not say any of that. I invite you to dwell on why, as simple has generated criticism in you all these thoughts, but rather, you do not have invited to think "Geez, true portrait in the next maybe I could also pay attention exprection of the mouth. "

Just this.
There is no mention of bringing a thousand panels, staff, lights, or other special purposes: simply, you are advised to pay attention to something else, because everything else was careful you were already producing a pleasing picture: pleasant, perhaps improvable. If it's perfect, you can not expect it to be for everyone who sees it.

Ps I never would emphasize that 100 people have focused on this image when clicked on mipiace only TWO and only TWO left a comment. In fact ... I would try to think about why, of 100, only two have left a "Like" (which is free and then 100 could have done a lot of clicks but have not done so) and, above all, why only two have left a comment that ... for a photoposted in a "Comment" ... is not a great result.
More Compliment and crossing empty, should be interested in criticism (the ones that help to grow).
Two "like" of 100 steps and two comments about 100 steps I believe are not a point of arrival for anyone.
To avoid misunderstandings: I'll write it just because as you've pointed out, the statistic perhaps deserves a more in-depth reflection.


sent on May 13, 2013 (15:07) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

In the meantime, we are already at 242 visits. Have not yet been 24 hours since I put this photo. I'm happy, this means that sometimes the courage rewards

Nothing to do ... you keep seeing the visits (which on the photos of juicy women are always many) but ... to overlook that ... while doubling the visits, "Like" are still only two as well as people who have commented.


sent on May 13, 2013 (15:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

No Comment.

sent on May 13, 2013 (17:04) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

To me it seems strange that you declare your intention to grow photographically, then you motivated to respond to criticism that "to me - but I do - etc.".
When you place a photo in the comment area, I am aware that the criticism can get, and if they come, thank you and I try to look again at the photograph not with the eyes of "mom and / or dad," but with the eyes of a third person, who if it expresses a criticism because he does see flaws that the author alone, at times, can not see.
In any case think as Marf and Richard. ;-)

sent on May 13, 2013 (17:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

The idea is that by that of a photo heavily overexposed and recovered in this lily post. ;-)

sent on May 13, 2013 (23:06) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you and good light at all. :-) :-) :-)

sent on May 15, 2013 (8:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

In the appendix I would like to make a reflection: when we put the photos in the comments we have to accept the criticism and advice of others. A picture can like it or not, sometimes we are in the field of subjectivity. But there is no doubt that a good photo is always appreciated. The photo I posted was used to stimulate a discussion, which actually has been there. I did not care that much to achieve consensus necessarily positive, I knew what I was getting into, I groped to upset some canons of photography. Probably someone I considered a presumptuous, if I gave that impression I apologize sincerely. And 'no doubt that in the photo there are rules that must be respected in some way and which also serve to assess the value of the photo. But I also wanted to say that sometimes we do take anxiety of formal perfection, but the photo must communicateking. Sometimes a picture is better stylistically perfect, but trying to convey something rather than an image without flaws but cold and not touching the strings of the heart. Thank you and good light at all. ;-)

sent on May 15, 2013 (9:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

In the appendix, I add a comment (always personal) that is true not only for this shot but for many others: it is true that we should not always follow the rules, but it is equally true that breaking the rules does not always lead to a positive result.
For this reason, it is appropriate to break them but ... then ... listen to the opinions of those who observe what we've produced, especially if we are experiencing, and we really need those opinions which, among other things, ask.

And again: too often I read "Better a photo that conveys feelings though imperfect, of a photo technically correct but does not transmit anything." Great discovery.
Ma .. the alternative of a photo technically correct that conveys EVEN feelings / emotions (or a picture that conveys feelings / emotions and is EVEN technically correct), not streetsI never contemplated?
E 'to that, which we refer when, in a picture which shall transmit sensations / emotions you criticize something technical. Do not you say it to throw everything else but only to further refine something that already deserves her.
Often (too often) this message is not caught and it feels "points" instead of something that should make us rich (and which, by the way, is really required by those who feel then "point").

sent on May 15, 2013 (11:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you all for your contribution, personally I am satisfied with the discussion and wishes for good light! :-) :-) :-)

sent on June 05, 2013 (19:36) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

what a beautiful portrait executed to perfection! the light is much sought after and well managed! I like very much, congratulations :)

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