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  4. » Eyes in the light ... (II)

Eyes in the light ... (II)...


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sent on May 05, 2013 (0:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Eyes in the light ... 2 ed.

sent on May 05, 2013 (12:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Stephen, much better, you were slightly softer in PP and the "make-up artist" has eliminated the residue of eyeshadow. This time I say good, of course not stop improve yourself, as you know .... the exams never end ....
Hello, Angel.

sent on May 05, 2013 (14:38) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Master, I thank you for all the useful tips that you're giving me and I need to grow, on the other hand are still "junior", street yet I do it a lot. I trust in your help. Good light! Hello Stefano :-)

sent on May 20, 2013 (1:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks to Frank65, Nero, Tato, Diego49, Zman, Sibo54, Autofocus50, Apierpiu, Lulu64, Sasasicilyuno, Carlo62. ;-)

sent on May 21, 2013 (0:27) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Here much better, correct me if I'm wrong, a warm greeting friend:-P

sent on May 21, 2013 (0:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Yes, of course, without a doubt, the second edition is much better than the first, this shows that the tests never end Sasa. Greetings Koda59. ;-)

sent on July 06, 2013 (0:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Quoto those who preceded me, with a PP softer the picture has changed considerably for the better ;-)
a greeting and good weekend

sent on July 06, 2013 (0:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks Olovni, in fact I find totally agree, the other photo I tried to make it go away:-D:-D:-D:-D, but there were comments and likings, which, not to a hurt anyone, *** # # # (note: the word that I can not translate, not to be banned), I had, in spite of myself, conserve, but maybe it's better that way, I need a warning: "To err humanum est, persevere autem diabolicum east ... ". To the wise! ... Greetings and thanks for your clarification. :-D Have a nice weekend to you too and good light ... PS If I hear Angelo B. ... I do not want to speak in English, which wants to use the language of the motherland, but it's stronger than me ... now we're all surfing the web "inglesizzati":-D

sent on August 03, 2013 (22:44) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thank you for liking: Afrikachiara, Frank65, Nero, Tato, Elisewin, Angel Bacchio, Pm544, Diego49, Mushroom, Ivancosta, Carlo62, Ikhnusa78, Zman, Olovni, Sibo54, Autofocus50, Apierpiu, Lulu64, Sasasicilyuno. :-P

sent on September 07, 2013 (17:48) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

ok, naturally beautiful, I prefer less makeup on the eyes, but how do you get the girls:-D:-D

sent on September 07, 2013 (20:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

A beautiful ritratto.Complimenti.Non I saw the first, and so can not judge .....
The naturalness, however, is another matter.
We compare against a cd lp. Unfortunately, the digital is what it is, you have to jump out of the portraits accontentarsi.Con problems ......
One understands that almost always of a CD is missing ..... its naturalness.

sent on September 07, 2013 (22:00) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Donna:
ok, naturally beautiful, I prefer less makeup on the eyes
. Woman, you're absolutely right! Sometimes the PP in the portrait is only necessary because the makeup artist has a little 'too over the top with makeup. Thanks Donna for your precious contribution, through your intervention helpful, I took the opportunity to talk about these topics. I thank you and I salute you. See you soon! Koda:-P
@ Giuliano1955:
A beautiful ritratto.Complimenti.Non I saw the first, and so can not judge .....
. Thank you for your comment Giuliano, as regards the first portrait we say that you have not lost anything ... :-D in the sense that to remedy the failures of a trick is not well distributed (ed foundation), I am made to take my hand and I messed around a bit ', are errors of' youth '(so to speak:-D)are committed to lack of experience in PP.
With the portraits pop up problems ......
. Giuliano sacrosanct words! Thanks for the comment and for your very welcome step. Regards, see you soon! Koda ;-) PS Thanks to the advice of Friends of the Forum my ability to post-production has improved, but still needs to further increase my experience in the field of PP. The important thing is to have a bit of humility and the desire to "grow up":-D

sent on September 22, 2013 (22:20) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Beautiful light that "plays", in particular, through the eyes of this beautiful girl! Bravo!

sent on September 23, 2013 (16:37) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

These beautiful words gladly respond with a famous saying: "The eyes are the mirror of the soul ...". For a portrait photographer loving eyes are the most important and meaningful! Gianna Thanks for the comment and very welcome step! ;-):-P

sent on September 23, 2013 (16:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

a splendor

sent on October 10, 2013 (15:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

. This model was beautiful and expressive, and honestly I was not difficult to portray in all its splendor because it was she who did assist me. Thanks Brie for your contribution. Greetings and see you soon! Koda ;-):-P

sent on November 23, 2013 (18:05) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Splendid portrait of a beautiful model:-P wow, very good friend Bear Koda!
Good night and good weekend, a dear greeting

sent on November 24, 2013 (8:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Just Koda59: the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and in the portraits, it is essential to grasp the sguardo.la their espressività.A times I think of my portraits ... I've never used a single time PP.Dovrei try my hand a little ....

sent on November 24, 2013 (9:01) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Light in the eyes!
The eyes are everything!

sent on November 24, 2013 (9:24) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Thanks for your comments and for your very welcome step! Julian the image that I have posted and 'beautiful and I congratulate you! I agree with you Julian: "The eyes are the mirror of the soul ..." ... And even more! :-P

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