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  4. » The flame of ... faith.

The flame of ... faith....

Catania - Festa di S. Agata

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The flame of ... faith. sent on March 17, 2013 (18:14) by Peppe550. 10 comments, 1285 views.

, 1/125 f/7.1, ISO 3200, hand held.

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sent on September 16, 2013 (14:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

I think this and 'good, the only thing I do not see it in context, that is, the title might be "The flame of faith ..." as "Village Festival generic".
in short, taken individually does not tell me much despite being well executed.

sent on September 16, 2013 (14:43) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Comment on the author's request made in the dedicated thread.

Even before I read the comment of Erre I thought the same thing. Taken in isolation says little or nothing. From this point of view I find much more expressive "the weight of the faith."

Despite having read the description and knowing what portrays the moment, the picture is not able to convey the accomplice, in my insignificant opinion, a composition is not apt.
I've seen better shot wider to make room for the huge candle but I would have framed the whole side and maybe a moment before. In the act of posing ...

What I like is the look instead to the "weight", warm lighting and candle given by the vertical cut.

You are self-quoto on the diaphragm tropposite closed. A f4 or less would be enough and you would have earned in iso.

sent on September 16, 2013 (14:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Erre. thanks for the ride and for your opinion.

sent on September 16, 2013 (15:08) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Charles Martin
I find it much more expressive "the weight of the faith."

You're right, but I had used that title for another similar photo that you find in the gallery where the devotee has the candle on his back
and it seemed more 'apt.
I tried shots with more 'big but with the crowd "came around" but' in fact you could better contextualize.
Thanks for the comment.

sent on September 16, 2013 (17:14) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Comment on the author's request www.juzaphoto.com/topic2.php?l=it&t=583305&show=3

Peppe, I like a lot of these events, I regret that "here in the north" does not make it the most and least are increasingly rare, as well as being beautiful and scenic, offering the remarkable photographic opportunities. Remain a difficult test, either for the shooting conditions poor, either because the crush of the crowd and the other contained prevents Insulation of the subjects.

What I like: time to read, look devotee and a little suffering of the subject, the play of light created by the languages ??of the flame.

I like less the choice of the square format (which I personally look good only for a few, very few shots), the BALANCEnto the white (which I assume you have left automatic) that gives a yellowish tone to the whole picture and that certainly does not reflect reality, the figure on the right was broken off, which is of considerable disturbance.



sent on September 16, 2013 (19:35) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

Hello Mau, with regard to the party, this of S. Agate is one of the important religious festivals at an international level, the demonstrations were continued for several days, but in the three main days around the feast there are really thousands of people and now look, shall we say secular, has swallowed the religious.
But let's get to the pictures:
the square format was almost a stretch due to a crop to remove distracting elements, given a choice I would have opted for a vertical cut and the light is the candle (I was in a dimly lit area) and the tint so hot I liked it.
The figure at right disturbing, I know, certainly not wrong the aperture would have made it less obvious or you could remove with Ps, but I limit myself to less invasive.


sent on September 16, 2013 (19:51) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

You're right, but I had used that title for another similar photo that you find in the gallery where the devotee has the candle on his back
and it seemed more 'apt.

I'm sorry but I explained bad maybe I did not mean the title, but just the other your photos! That which I then commented ... ;-)

sent on September 17, 2013 (11:03) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Charles Martin
I had misheard me! :-|

sent on September 23, 2013 (10:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

In response to the thread www.juzaphoto.com/topic2.php?l=it&t=583305&show=3
As already Erre and Carlo have said before me, this photograph individually not you tell me what you wanted to be, I see a man dressed only in a particular way (almost looks like a karateka) with a huge candle in her arms, surrounded by other people. There is nothing that can give me information on the religiosity of the scene and the procession.
In the post, without using PS, you can get rid of, or at least make it even less readable, people in the background, just down a little exposure or intensify the dark tones.
In my opinion, during shooting, instead of using F7.1 you could further open the diaphragm, so a little lower 'the ISO, and exposure directly over the flame of the candle (in this modo probably would have lost all the people of contour, which would remain in the dark) or adjust it on the face of the set (but in this case you'd have to underexpose by at least one stop).
Maybe try next time.

sent on September 30, 2013 (14:18) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)

@ Bzanna:
Hello Barbara, thanks for the ride and sorry if I answer after a long time but are now returned from holiday.
You're right on all points, I will reflect on your tips to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

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