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| sent on August 13, 2019 (13:41) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Nice close-up Beautiful composition Great photo Hello Bel primo piano Bella composizione Ottima foto Ciao |
| sent on August 13, 2019 (17:25) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Great super composition in keeping the roots in focus in the foreground gives a flydown added to the photo. Congratulations Fabio Hello Vittorio Ottima composizione super nel tenere a fuoco le radici in primo piano dà un volore aggiunto alla foto. Complimenti Fabio Ciao Vittorio |
| sent on August 13, 2019 (18:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful composition and great shot. :-) Bellissima composizione ed ottimo scatto. |
| sent on August 13, 2019 (19:13) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Technique and skill for a pleasant result especially I like the foreground and the compositional choice with attention to focus. I don't know why but I would have tried to put the Dolomites less centered, so they catch a little too much attention.... I don't know if I can explain the feeling. Congratulations. Hello. Magchus Tecnica e bravura per un risultato piacevole soprattutto mi piace il primo piano e la scelta compositiva con attenzione alla messa a fuoco. Non so perché ma io avrei cercato di mettere le Dolomiti meno centrate, così catturano un po' troppo l'attenzione....non so se riesco a spiegare la sensazione. Complimenti. Ciao. Magù |
| sent on August 13, 2019 (19:30) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wonderful work .......... just compliments. Hello Raymond Lavoro stupendo ………. solo complimenti. Ciao Raimondo |
| sent on August 13, 2019 (20:28) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful Fabio. Hello Corrado Bellissima Fabio. Ciao Corrado |
| sent on August 13, 2019 (20:42) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Very nice. Great idea and composition. A greeting Alexander Molto bella. Ottima idea e composizione. Un saluto Alessandro |
| sent on August 13, 2019 (22:50) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful shooting and great composition, congratulations Fabio. Hello David Bellissima ripresa e ottima composizione, complimenti Fabio. Ciao Davide |
| sent on August 14, 2019 (0:33) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Beautiful! Hello Max ;-) Bellissima! Ciao Max |
| sent on August 14, 2019 (6:58) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Congratulations, beautiful composition and overview Julian ;-) Complimenti, bella composizione e panoramica Giuliano |
| sent on August 14, 2019 (7:40) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really gorgeous this picture, beautiful frame, pdr and composition, sincere compliments Davvero splendida questa immagine, bella la cornice, il pdr e la composizione, sinceri complimenti |
| sent on August 14, 2019 (8:41) | This comment has been translated
Very nice, congrats! |
| sent on August 14, 2019 (9:04)
Beautiful catch with wonderful foreground. Congratulations Fabio. Hello,.. Amir. |
| sent on August 14, 2019 (15:22) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Technical mastery and good compositional taste is equivalent to a piccplo masterpiece. The three-dimensional effect you have achieved is important. Good job. Bye gios ;-) Padronanza tecnica e buon gusto compositivo equivale a un piccplo capolavoro. Importante l'effetto tridimensionale che hai ottenuto. Bel lavoro. Bye gios |
| sent on August 14, 2019 (22:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Wow, great shot, a lot of compliments said by Reino the mountaineer Wow, fantastico scatto, un sacco di complimenti detto da Reino il montanaro |
| sent on August 19, 2019 (15:15) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Really nice, good! Hello Ale Davvero bella, bravo! Ciao Ale |
| sent on August 30, 2019 (16:29) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
Thank you all guys I'm glad you liked it! @Magup: the choice to hold the summit in the center, in this case the obligatory, in which otherwise the shot would have been unbalanced, both because the trees have to occupy the same portion of frame to both dx and left, and because on the first floor we do not have no element that recalls a visual diagonal with the background in case you had chosen to put it on the third for example. :-) Grazie a tutti ragazzi mi fa piacere che vi sia piaciuta! @Magù: la scelta di tenere la vetta al centro, in questo caso la reputo obbligata, in quando diversamente lo scatto sarebbe risultato sbilanciato, sia perchè gli alberi devono occupare la stessa porzione di frame a sia a dx che a sx, sia perchè sul primo piano non abbiamo nessun elemento che richiama una diagonale visiva con lo sfondo nel caso avessi scelto di metterlo sul terzo ad esempio. |
| sent on February 27, 2020 (0:02) | This comment has been automatically translated (show/hide original)
a magnificent mountain painting! Beautiful Shot! un magnifico quadro montano! Splendido scatto! |

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